Package gmisclib :: Module mcmc :: Class position_base
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Class position_base

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This class is used internally in the MCMC sampling process to represent a position. It stores a parameter vector, a reference to the problem definition, and (optionally) caches computed values of log(P).

Instance Methods
__init__(self, x, problem_def)
You need this function and this signature if you are going to pass it to make_list_of_positions(), but not necessarily otherwise.
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Compute the log of the probability for the position.
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Shows a recent logp value.
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position_base or a subclass
new(self, shift, logp=None)
Returns a new position, shifted by the specified amount.
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The result of this function is to be handed to problem_definition.logp().
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Returns a numpy vector.
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__cmp__(self, other)
This is used when the archive is sorted.
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uid(self) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, x, problem_def)

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You need this function and this signature if you are going to pass it to make_list_of_positions(), but not necessarily otherwise.

  • @g_implements.make_optional
Overrides: object.__init__


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Shows a recent logp value. It should not compute a value unless necessary. The intent is to look up a value in a cache.

new(self, shift, logp=None)

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Returns a new position, shifted by the specified amount.

  • shift (numpy.ndarray) - How much of a move to make to the new position?
  • logp (float or None) - (optional) If this is supplied, is is used to set the log(P) value for the newly created position structure.
Returns: position_base or a subclass
a new position


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The result of this function is to be handed to problem_definition.logp(). This result must contain all the information specifying the position. Normally, this is a vector of floats, but conceivably, you could include other information.


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Returns a numpy vector. The result should contain all the information specifying the position; if not all, it should at least contain all the information that can be usefully expressed as a vector of floating point numbers.

Normally, vec() and prms() are identical.

(Representation operator)

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  • @g_implements.make_optional
Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)