Package gmisclib :: Module matrix_arrange_entropy
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.matrix_arrange_entropy

 3  """This rotates a matrix by multiplying with a unitary matrix 
 4  so that the resulting elements are either nearly zero or relatively large. 
 5  It minimizes sum of |x_ij|*log(|x_ij|), i.e. the entropy (sortof). 
 6  """ 
 8  import math 
 9  from gmisclib import Num 
10  from gmisclib import mcmc 
11  from gmisclib import mcmc_helper 
12  from gmisclib import gpkmisc 
15 -def make_min_entropy(x, extra_entropy=0.0):
16 """extra_entropy is a vector that helps choose what to optimize.""" 17 x = Num.asarray(x, Num.Float) 18 print 'x.shape=', x.shape 19 ndim, nvec = x.shape 20 21 def unitary(p): 22 assert p.shape[0] == nvec**2 23 pm = Num.reshape(p, (nvec, nvec)) 24 psym =, Num.transpose(pm)) 25 evalues, umat = Num.LA.eigh(psym) 26 return umat
27 28 def rotated(xt, p): 29 frot =, xt) 30 assert frot.shape == xt.shape 31 return frot 32 33 def fom(p, c): 34 xt, nvec, extra_entropy, G = c 35 frot = rotated(xt, p) 36 assert frot.shape[0] == nvec 37 # print 'frot=', frot 38 frotfom = Num.absolute(frot) 39 frotn = frotfom/Num.sum(frotfom, axis=1)[:,Num.NewAxis] 40 assert abs(Num.sum(frotn[0])-1.0) < 0.01 41 nege = Num.sum(frotn*(Num.log(frotn)-extra_entropy), axis=1) 42 assert nege.shape == (nvec,) 43 print 'fom=', Num.sum(nege) 44 return G*Num.sum(nege) 45 46 def fixer(p, c): 47 Num.divide(p, math.sqrt(Num.average(Num.square(p))), p) 48 return p 49 50 prmvec = Num.RA.normal(0.0, 1.0, (nvec**2,)) 51 stpr = mcmc.bootstepper(fom, [prmvec], v=gpkmisc.make_diag(Num.square(prmvec)), 52 c = (Num.transpose(x), nvec, extra_entropy, 20.0), 53 fixer=fixer 54 ) 55 mcmch = mcmc_helper.stepper(stpr) 56 mcmch.run_to_bottom() 57 stpr.T = 0.3 58 mcmch.run_to_bottom() 59 stpr.T = 0.1 60 mcmch.run_to_bottom() 61 prms = stpr.current().prms() 62 return (Num.transpose(rotated(Num.transpose(x), prms)), 63 unitary(prms) 64 ) 65 66
67 -def test2():
68 x = [[1.0, 1.0], [-1.0, 1.0]] 69 y,u = make_min_entropy(x) 70 assert abs(Num.sum(u**2) - u.shape[0]) < 0.001 71 print 'y=', y 72 ay = Num.absolute(y) 73 assert Num.sum(Num.less(ay, 0.001)) == 2 74 r2 = math.sqrt(2.0) 75 assert Num.sum(Num.less(Num.absolute(ay-r2), 0.001)) == 2
77 -def test3():
78 x = [[0, 0, 1], [1.0, -1.0, 0], [1.0, 1.0, 0]] 79 y,u = make_min_entropy(x) 80 assert abs(Num.sum(u**2) - u.shape[0]) < 0.001 81 print 'y=', y 82 ay = Num.absolute(y) 83 assert Num.sum(Num.less(ay, 0.01)) == 6 84 r2 = math.sqrt(2.0) 85 assert Num.sum(Num.less(Num.absolute(ay-r2), 0.01)) == 2 86 assert Num.sum(Num.less(Num.absolute(ay-1), 0.01)) == 1
87 88 89 if __name__ == '__main__': 90 test2() 91 test3() 92