Package gmisclib :: Module matrix_arrange
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.matrix_arrange

  1  """Take a covariance-like matrix, and re-order it to be close to a diagonal matrix. 
  2  We calculate a map that renames the indices (the same map for both left and right), 
  3  to bring large off-diagonal elements close to the diagonal. 
  4  """ 
  6  import math 
  7  import random 
  8  import numpy 
11 -def _eval_map(a, m, wt):
12 """This is a measure of how far the matrix is from diagonal, 13 after application of the mapping. 14 Matrix "a" is a numeric python 2-d array. 15 Map is a numeric python 1-d integer array.""" 16 17 n = a.shape[0] 18 assert a.shape == (n, n) 19 # print "mapped a=", map_array(a, m) 20 # print "m=", m 21 return numpy.sum(map_array(a, m)*wt)
22 23
24 -def _offdiag(n):
25 index = numpy.arange(n) 26 offdiag = numpy.absolute(index[:,numpy.newaxis]-index[numpy.newaxis,:]) 27 assert offdiag.shape == (n, n) 28 assert offdiag[0, 0] == 0 29 assert offdiag[1, 0] == 1 30 # print "WT=", offdiag 31 return offdiag
32 33 34
35 -def _optimistic(n):
36 return numpy.ones((n, n), - numpy.identity(n)
37 38 39
40 -def diagonalize(a0):
41 EPS = 1e-10 42 a = numpy.array(a0, copy=True) 43 n = a.shape[0] 44 assert a.shape == (n, n) 45 wt = numpy.square(_offdiag(n)) 46 m = numpy.arange(n) 47 opval = _eval_map(a, m, _optimistic(n)) 48 # print "OPVAL=", opval 49 bad = _eval_map(a, m, wt) 50 bad0 = bad 51 f = 1.0 52 fr = math.pow(0.5, 1.0/n) 53 nobetter = 0 54 while 1: 55 # i = random.choice(_worst(a, m, wt)) 56 i = random.randrange(n) 57 j = random.randrange(n) 58 if j == i: 59 continue 60 # print "TESTING", i, j 61 tmp = m[i] 62 m[i] = m[j] 63 m[j] = tmp 64 bt = _eval_map(a, m, wt) 65 if bt <= opval + bad*EPS: 66 bad = bt 67 break 68 if bt <= bad * (1 + f/float(n)): 69 # print "ACCEPT", bad, bt 70 if abs(bt-bad) > 0.1*bad*f/float(n): 71 f *= fr 72 nobetter = 0 73 bad = bt 74 nobetter = 0 75 else: 76 # print "NG", bad, bt 77 tmp = m[i] 78 m[i] = m[j] 79 m[j] = tmp 80 nobetter += 1 81 82 if nobetter >= n*n: 83 break 84 if m[0] > m[-1]: # Pick one of two equivalent orderings 85 m = m[::-1] 86 return (m, bad0, bad)
87 88 89
90 -def map_array(a, m):
91 return numpy.take(numpy.take(a, m, axis=0), m, axis=1)
92 93
94 -def test():
95 a = numpy.array([[1, 0, 3, 2], [0, 1, 0, 0], [3, 0, 1, 0], [2, 0, 0, 1]]) 96 m, b0, b1 = diagonalize(a) 97 assert b1<b0 98 print m 99 print map_array(a, m)
100 101 102 if __name__ == '__main__': 103 test() 104