Package gmisclib :: Module load_mod
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.load_mod

  1  """This module has functions that help you dynamically import modules. 
  2  """ 
  6  import sys 
  7  import imp 
  8  import os.path 
  9  from gmisclib import die 
11 -def split_name(name):
12 """Split a name in the form a/b.c into a, b, c, where 13 a is a search path, 14 b is a module (package) name, and 15 c is a name in the module. 16 """ 17 p = None 18 fcn = [] 19 if '/' in name: 20 p, name = os.path.split(name) 21 if '.' in name: 22 a = name.split('.') 23 name = a[0] 24 fcn = a[1:] 25 return (p, name, fcn)
26 27
28 -def load(name, path):
29 """Load a module from the specified list of paths. 30 It returns the module, but does not import it. 31 If path is None, only look in sys.path and builtins. 32 If path is an array containing None, replace the None with sys.path. 33 """ 34 if path is None: 35 pth = None 36 else: 37 pth = [] 38 for d in path: 39 if d is None: 40 pth.extend(sys.path) 41 else: 42 pth.append( d ) 43 fd = None 44 imp.acquire_lock() 45 try: 46 fd, pn, desc = imp.find_module(name, pth) 47 except ImportError: 48 try: 49 fd, pn, desc = imp.find_module(name, None) 50 except: 51 die.warn('#ImportError: cannot find "%s" from path=%s' % (name, pth)) 52 imp.release_lock() 53 raise 54 55 # If the same module has already been imported, use the existing version. 56 if(name in sys.modules and 57 hasattr(sys.modules[name], '__file__') and 58 os.path.dirname(sys.modules[name].__file__) == os.path.dirname(pn) 59 ): 60 fd.close() 61 tmp = sys.modules[name] 62 imp.release_lock() 63 return tmp 64 65 # print 'name', name, fd, pn, desc 66 try: 67 pymod = imp.load_module(name, fd, pn, desc) 68 finally: 69 if fd: 70 fd.close() 71 imp.release_lock() 72 die.warn("#ImportError: cannot import %s %s" % (pn, desc)) 73 return pymod
74 75 76 load_mod = load 77 load_inc_path = load 78 load_mod_inc_path = load_inc_path 79 80 _ModuleType = type(sys) 81
82 -def load_named(name, use_sys_path=True):
83 """Load a module. 84 If the module name is in the form a/b, 85 it looks in directory "a" first. 86 If use_sys_path is true, it searches the entire Python path 87 88 It returns the module, but does not import it. 89 This version handles importing packages and functions nicely, 90 but with less control over the search path. 91 92 Usage: 93 - load_named_module('/dir/my_module'), or 94 - load_named_module('foo/my_module'), or 95 - load_named_module('foo/my_module.submodule.function'), or 96 - various combinations. 97 """ 98 p, lname, attrlist = split_name(name) 99 # print '#', name, '->', lname 100 if use_sys_path: 101 path = list(sys.path) 102 else: 103 path = [] 104 if p is not None: 105 path.insert(0, p) 106 try: 107 tmp0 = load(lname, path) 108 except ImportError, x: 109 raise ImportError, "%s in directory '%s'%s" % (str(x), p, ['', ' or sys.path'][use_sys_path]) 110 111 112 tmp = tmp0 113 pname = [lname] 114 for a in attrlist: 115 try: 116 tmp = getattr(tmp, a) 117 except AttributeError: 118 if isinstance(tmp, _ModuleType) and hasattr(tmp, '__path__'): 119 try: 120 tmp = load(a, tmp.__path__) 121 except ImportError, x: 122 raise ImportError, "Cannot import %s from package %s at %s (%s)" % (a, '.'.join(pname), tmp.__path__, x) 123 pname.append(a) 124 continue 125 filename = getattr(tmp0, '__file__', None) 126 if filename is None: 127 filename = getattr(tmp0, '__name__', '???') 128"load_named lookup fails: %s amidst %s" % (a, dir(tmp))) 129 try: 130 xat = " from %s" % tmp0.__path__ 131 except AttributeError: 132 xat = "" 133 raise ImportError, "Cannot look up %s from %s%s: attempting %s" % (a, '.'.join(pname), xat, '.'.join(attrlist)) 134 else: 135 pname.append(a) 136 return tmp
137 138 139 load_named_module = load_named 140 load_named_fcn = load_named 141 load_fcn = load_named 142
143 -def _test():
144 assert abs(load_named('math.pi') - 3.14159) < 0.001 145 assert load_named('load_mod.load_named.__doc__') == load_named.__doc__ 146 f = os.path.splitext(die.__file__)[0] 147 assert load_named('%s' % f).__doc__ == die.__doc__
148 149 if __name__ == '__main__': 150 _test() 151