Package gmisclib :: Module g_exec
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Module g_exec

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Run a Linux command and capture the result. This module is thread-safe.

Other than the *_raw functions, these functions ignore comments lines (e.g. ones starting with '#'), and if they see a line beginning with an error prefix, they raise an ExecError exception. The default error prefix is ERR, but you can set it for each call. Likewise, the default comment prefix is COMMENT, but you can also set it with the comment argument of any call.

The basic idea is that

When perline is empty, the subprocess's standard input is closed. These functions continue reading the subprocess's output as long as it keeps producing.

So, you can do this:

       get(None, ['pwd'])  #  "/home/gpk/whatever"
       getall(None, ['ls']) # Yields a listing of your directory
       get(None, ['sum'], input=['wurgle'])  # Same as typing "echo wurgle | sum" to bash.
       getall(None, ['cat'], input=['wurgle

'], perline=['biffle ']) == ['wurgle ', 'biffle ']

Something went wrong.
a generator of strings.
getiter_raw(s, argv, input=None, perline=None, debug=False)
Read a list of lines from a subprocess.
source code
a generator of strings.
getiter(s, argv, input=None, perline=None, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')
Read a list of lines from a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments.
source code
get(s, argv=None, input=None, perline=None, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')
Read a single line from a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments.
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get_raw(s, argv=None, input=None, perline=False, debug=False)
Read a single line from a subprocess.
source code
getlast(s, argv=None, input=None, perline=False, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')
Read the last line from a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments.
source code
getall(s, argv, input=None, perline=None, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')
Read the text lines produced by a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments.
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test() source code
  ERR = 'ERR:'
This is the default for the prefix for error messages from the subprocess.
  COMMENT = '#'
This is the default for the prefix for comments from the subprocess.
  __package__ = 'gmisclib'

Imports: g_pipe

Function Details

getiter_raw(s, argv, input=None, perline=None, debug=False)

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Read a list of lines from a subprocess.

  • s (str or None) - the name of the program to execute. (Or None, in which case, it is taken from argv[0]).
  • argv (list(str)) - an array of argument to execute.
  • input (array, sequence or iterator, containing strings) - strings to feed to the subprocess on startup, before the first output is read. These are sent to the subprocess's standard input.
  • perline (array, sequence or iterator, containing strings) - is a sequence/iterator of strings to feed in, one at a time, as the subprocess is producing data. (These are fed to the subprocess's standard input, one after each output line that it produces.)
  • debug (bool) - Should it print some debugging information?
Returns: a generator of strings.
a sequence of the lines of output that the program produced. (Newlines are not removed.)

Note: If input or perline is badly chosen, one can produce a locked loop of pipes. (Locked loops happen when you have too much stuff waiting to be processed.)

getiter(s, argv, input=None, perline=None, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')

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Read a list of lines from a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments. (Comment lines begin with the comment argument). Raises an exception if the subprocess returns an error line (the beginning of an error line is specified in the err argument).

  • s (str or None) - the name of the program to execute. (Or None, in which case, it is taken from argv[0]).
  • argv (list(str)) - an array of argument to execute.
  • input (array, sequence or iterator, containing strings) - strings to feed to the subprocess on startup, before the first output is read. These are sent to the subprocess's standard input.
  • perline (array, sequence or iterator, containing strings) - is a sequence/iterator of strings to feed in, one at a time, as the subprocess is producing data. (These are fed to the subprocess's standard input, one after each output line that it produces.)
  • debug (bool) - Should it print some debugging information?
Returns: a generator of strings.
a sequence of the lines of output that the program produced. (Newlines are not removed.)

Note: If input or perline is badly chosen, one can produce a locked loop of pipes. (Locked loops happen when you have too much stuff waiting to be processed.)

get(s, argv=None, input=None, perline=None, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')

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Read a single line from a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments. Raises an exception if the subprocess produces an error line (see getiter, ERR) or no output. See getiter for arguments.

Returns: str
the subprocess's first output line (after dropping comment lines).
  • ExecError - if the subprocess produces no output, or an error line.

get_raw(s, argv=None, input=None, perline=False, debug=False)

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Read a single line from a subprocess. (One normally uses this for processes that are always supposed to produce a single line of output.) See getiter_raw for arguments.

Returns: str
the subprocess's first output line.
  • ExecError - if the subprocess produces no output.

getlast(s, argv=None, input=None, perline=False, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')

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Read the last line from a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments. Raises an exception if the subprocess produces an error line (see getiter, ERR) or no output. See getiter for arguments.

Returns: str
the subprocess's first output line (after dropping comment lines).
  • ExecError - if the subprocess produces no output, or an error line.

getall(s, argv, input=None, perline=None, debug=False, err='ERR:', comment='#')

source code 

Read the text lines produced by a subprocess, after dropping junk like comments. Raises an exception if the process produces an error line (see getiter, ERR). See getiter for arguments.

Returns: list(str)
the subprocess's first output line (after dropping comment lines).
  • ExecError - if the process produces an error line.