Package gmisclib :: Module Num
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.Num

 1  """This is a compatibility module, allowing python to work 
 2  with either scipy, Numeric, or numarray. 
 3  It tries to import them, in that order, only reporting 
 4  an error if none are available. 
 6  Note that this does not pretend to solve all compatibility 
 7  problems; it just tries importing all three, so you can only 
 8  count on the lowest common denominator. 
 9  """ 
11 -class _delayed_import(object):
12 - def __init__(self, name, aliases = []):
13 = name 14 self.mod = None 15 self.aliases = aliases
17 - def __getattribute__(self, aname):
18 mod = object.__getattribute__(self, 'mod') 19 if mod is None: 20 mname = object.__getattribute__(self, 'name') 21 mod = __import__(mname) 22 a = mname.split('.') 23 for dot in a[1:]: 24 mod = getattr(mod, dot) 25 self.mod = mod 26 for (nn, on) in object.__getattribute__(self, 'aliases'): 27 setattr(mod, nn, getattr(mod, on)) 28 return getattr(mod, aname)
29 30 31 array = None 32 try: 33 from numpy import * 34 LA = _delayed_import('numpy.linalg', 35 [ 36 ('linear_least_squares', 'lstsq'), 37 ('singular_value_decomposition', 'svd') 38 ] 39 ) 40 RA = _delayed_import('numpy.random') 41 FFT = _delayed_import('numpy.fft', 42 [ 43 ('inverse_fft', 'ifft'), ('real_fft', 'rfft'), 44 ('inverse_real_fft', 'irfft') 45 ] 46 ) 47 Float = double 48 float = float 49 Int = int0 50 Int32 = int32 51 Int16 = int16 52 Int8 = int8 53 Complex = complex_ 54 arrayrange = arange 55 matrixmultiply = dot 56 outerproduct = outer 57 NewAxis = newaxis 58 except ImportError: 59 pass 60 61 if array is None: 62 try: 63 from Numeric import * # This normally imports array 64 RA = _delayed_import('RandomArray') 65 LA = _delayed_import('LinearAlgebra') 66 FFT = _delayed_import('FFT') 67 except ImportError: 68 pass 69 70 71 72 if array is None: 73 try: 74 from numarray import * 75 except ImportError: 76 raise ImportError, "No module named either numpy, Numeric or numarray" 77 78 assert FFT 79 assert LA 80 assert RA 81