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Syllabus - Statistics for Linguists

Hilary Term 2006.

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Week 1
Scientific bloopers and summary statistics. Histograms and graphical displays of data. Measures of position (mean and median) and measures of spread (standard deviation and inter-quartile range). Read Gonick and Smith chapters 1, 2.
Week 2
Probability and Bayes' Theorem. Read Gonick and Smith chapter 3.
Week 3
Histograms and Counting Things. Sampling errors. Read Gonick and Smith chapter 3, 4, and the Binomial part of Chapter 5.
Week 4
Real techniques for picking samples of people. Hypothesis testing z- and t-tests. Read Gonick and Smith chapters 5, 6.
Week 5
More on hypothesis testing. Error bars and confidence intervals. Read Gonick and Smith chapter 7 and 8.
Week 6
Experimental design and two-sample t-tests. Read Gonick and Smith chapters 9, 10, 11 ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and linear regression.
Week 7
Text classifiers.
Week 8
Modern techniques. Read Gonick and Smith chapter 12.

[ Linguistics/Philology | Phonetics Lab | Oxford ] Last Modified Thu Oct 22 15:05:01 2009 Greg Kochanski: [ Home ]