Why Perl?
- ...
- Perl supports objects and modules.
You can define classes, with member functions, and use them
just like C++:
- Perl does memory management for you.
- Perl goes through a compile phase and a run phase, so
many errors are caught in the compile phase,
before the script runs for the first time.
Now, it's not a perfect language, so here are the bad points:
- Perl is 450k of code.
Between loading Perl (0.15 sec on a Sparc 5) and loading
the script (0.1 sec for 400 lines),
the startup time is not entirely negligable.
- Perl isn't nearly as fast as C or C++.
Complex calculations may be too slow.
- Some errors are caught at run time,
so scripts will sometimes misbehave long after you thought
they were debugged.