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H1 Syllabus -- Modeling of Language Phenomena
Instructors: Chilin Shih and Greg P. Kochanski May 20 - August 8, 2002, 6:00 - 9:25 P.M., Wednesdays

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There is one required textbook: Cartoon Guide: The Cartoon Guide to Statistics, by Larry Gonick and Woollcott Smith. HarperPerennial, 1993, New York. ISBN 0-06-273102-5.

H2 Syllabus H3 Probability concepts:

Conditional probabilities, Bayes' Theorem, MAP (Maximum A-posteriori Estimation), Good-Turing estimation.

H3 Statistical concepts:

Frequency, ratio, rank, mean, median, standard deviation, Zipf's law, graphical display, N-grams, CART, multiple linear regression.

H3 Linguistics concepts:

Linguistic units: phones, syllables, words, phone per second, documents, linguistic distribution, durations, document language.

H3 Physiological Concepts:

Articulator motions, articulatory definition of phonemes, springs, masses, and accelerations, muscle physiology, control strategies.

H3 Applications:

Language identification, author identification, modeling of speech segment durations.

H3 Computation skills:

Unix file management, pipe, tr, sort, uniq, basic programming: sh, awk.

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