This is the 2009-2010 code for collecting data for the Kochanski, Loukina, Keane, Shih, and Rosner experiments called "Project Aesop". A description of the project is available at . If you use this code in an academic paper, please cite use as follows: "The data collection software {was, was based on, ...} a program used by [Loukina et al 2009]" and reference: "Rhythm measures with language-independent segmentation", Anastassia Loukina, Greg Kochanski, Chilin Shih, Elinor Keane and Ian Watson Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech 2009). ISSN 1990-9772 Brighton, UK, 7--10 September 2009, pp 1531--1534. The software may be downloaded from . (URL checked ZZZ/ZZZ/ZZZ.) This software is copyright Greg Kochanski (2010) and is available under the Lesser Gnu Public License, version 3 or higher. It was funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council under project RES-062-23-1323. This is available from,, and ----------------------------------------------------- Why would you want this software: * You want to collect speech data from people who are reading text from a screen. * The texts will fit on 2/3 of a page, and they aren't really tiny. * You want something that carefully logs all the important metadata. * You want timing information so you know how long it took to for the people to start reading. * You have a Linux system. * You want to customize the data collection. * You looking for free software. ------------------------------------------------- Requirements: Python 2.5 or higher (but probably not python 3.0 without modifications). Pygtk libraries gmisclib from the Speechresearch project on version 0.69.0 (These are python modules.)