# fiat 1.0 # # This data (and the data it refers to) is copyright 2007, 2008 by # Greg Kochanski, and is licensed in England under # the Creative Commons Noncommercial-Attribution License. # Details may be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/uk/legalcode . # You may copy and/or use this file (and referenced files) for noncommercial # purposes so long as the author is properly acknowledged. # For commercial licensing, contact Isis Innovation, # http://www.isis-innovation.com/ . # COPYRIGHT = Greg Kochanski # LICENSE_URL = http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/uk/legalcode # # This file contains metadata describing the "tick1" experiment # from ESRC grant "Articulation and Coarticulation in the Lower Vocal Tract" # with G. Kochanski and J. Coleman as principal investigators. # Data is courtesy of the UK's Economics and Social Research Council, # derived from project RES-000-23-1094, 7/2005 through 3/2008. # When using this data, the appropriate publication to reference is # DOI: 10.1121/1.2890742, "What Marks the Beat of Speech?" # G. Kochanski and C. Orphanidou, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, # ISSN 0001-4966, Volume 123(5), pages 2780-2791. # # This table is in the FIAT data format, defined originally by # http://dls.physics.ucdavis.edu/fiat/fiat.html, but somewhat # extended. Python implementations # of modules to read and write this format can be found at # http://sourceforge.net under the "speechresearch" project, in the # "gmisclib/fiatio.py" file. http://sourceforge.net/projects/speechresearch # should lead to the software. # The format is simply a tab-separated column format, with escape sequences # that begin with percent characters. # # This table contains one line per utterance. It describes the properites # of the various phrases used in the experiment. Columns are as follows: # # TTYPE1 = repence # This is the actual text (but encoded. "%S" is the code for a space.) # # TTYPE2 = text # This is an ID code for the sentence's text. It matches the "text" # field in DB.fiat. # # TTYPE3 = metrical_pattern # This is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. # Exactly%Sso rep1 0101 Another%Stime rep2 0101 We%Salways%Sdo rep3 0101 It%Ssurely%Sis rep4 0101 You%Snever%Swill rep5 0101 I%Sunderstand rep6 0101 Upon%Smy%Sword rep7 0101 She%Sgoes%Saway rep8 0101 They%Slie%Sapart rep9 0101 The%Sbusiness%Shere rep10 0101 Indeed%Sit%Shad rep11 0101 I%Snoticed%Sthat rep12 0101 Nothing%Smatters rep13 1010 Checker%SPlayers rep14 1010 William%SRoper rep15 1010 Scarlet%SLetter rep16 1010 Goodness%Sgracious! rep17 1010 Lightning%SPresses rep18 1010 Worldly%Swisdom rep19 1010 Banking%Ssystems rep20 1010 Phosphorescence rep21 1010 None%Swhatever rep22 1010 Good%Sbeginning rep23 1010 This%Sis%Sfunny rep24 1010 Testing%Sthe%SInstruments rep25 100100 Philip%Swas%Sconquered rep26 100100 Love%Sand%Sintegrity rep27 100100 Spare%Sme%Syour%Shistory rep28 100100 Let%Sus%Sexperiment rep29 100100 Notes%Son%Sthe%Sediting rep30 100100 Like%Syou%Ssuggested rep31 100100 Here%Sare%Sthe%Sbanners rep32 100100 Not%Sto%Smy%Sknowledge rep33 100100 Run%Sfor%Sthe%Scellar rep34 100100 Not%Sthat%Sit%Smattered rep35 100100 Talking%Sof%Swandering rep36 100100 Going%Saway rep37 1001 Always%Sahead rep38 1001 Then%SI%Srefuse rep39 1001 Nothing%Sat%Sall rep40 1001 Open%Sthe%Sdoor rep41 1001 Maybe%Sshe%Shad rep42 1001 Probably%Snot rep43 1001 Only%Sa%Smouse rep44 1001 Say%Sit%Sagain rep45 1001 Billy%Swas%Sthere rep46 1001 Under%Sthe%Sdesk rep47 1001 Carrots%Sand%Sgreens rep48 1001 I%Swas%Ssorry%Sfor%Shim rep49 001001 But%Sthey%Shoped%Sfor%Sthe%Sbest rep50 001001 In%Sthe%Sevening%She%Sdied rep51 001001 It%Sdoes%Shave%Sthat%Seffect rep52 001001 He%Ssat%Sperfectly%Sstill rep53 001001 But%Sthe%Swoman%Sknew%Shim rep54 001001 I%Sexpect%Syou%Sknow%Sthat rep55 001001 If%Swe%Swalk%Sfar%Senough rep56 001001 I%Shave%Scome%Sfor%Smy%Sbrains rep57 001001 I%Sbegan%Sto%Ssee%Sthe%Slight rep58 001001 He%Swas%Snot%Ssure%Shimself rep59 001001 I%Sforget%Swhat%SI%Ssaid rep60 001001 Wendy%Swas%Sscandalised rep61 100100 Nearly%Salways rep62 1010 Hilary%Surged rep63 1001 They%Slie%Sapart rep64 0101 Louis%SPhillipe rep65 0101 You%Snever%Swill rep66 0101 Manufactures rep67 1010 Making%Sbelieve rep68 1001 Commonplace%Sbook rep69 1001 September%Slast rep70 0101 India%Sgoods rep71 1001 Shirley%Sdeclared rep72 1001 That%Sruined%Sme rep73 1001 Freddie%Sobserved rep74 1001 Tracy%Sannounced rep75 1001