# fiat 1.1 # This file is the basic linkage between the audio and # image files. It is used to compute MRIaudio/DB_audio_for_Exp23.fiat. # TTYPE1 = subject # TTYPE2 = image_file_pattern # This is a regular expression to specify a set of filenames. # It is matched against the names of image files, and whatever matches # is taken to be associated with the audio_file. # Note that the pattern catches the image number in # parentheses! This is necessary because it gives us # sequence information that ties each image to a particular # point in the audio. # TTYPE3 = audio_file # This is the audio file that is associated with all the images # matched by the image_file_pattern. S00 20070607/pa2/st1/se3/im([1-9]|[1-5][0-9]|[6][0-8]) 20070607/S00/Out/test4.BP ... S01 20070607/pa1/st1/se3/im([1-9]|[1-5][0-9]|[6][0-8]) 20070607/S01/Out/test4.BP S01 20070607/pa1/st1/se4/im([1-9]|[1-5][0-9]|[6][0-8]) 20070607/S01/Out/test5.BP ...