Troubles building pips-common-3.1.0 for an Epson S20 printer. This is on a Debian Linux system, running the testing distribution in October 2008. There are two bugs in ./configure : they are places where an un-set variable appears in a "test" statement, like this test $x = yes so if $x is not defined, test complains about a unary equals operator. Debian packages needed: Detected by ./configure: sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev sudo aptitude install libxml2-dev sudo aptitude install libcups2-dev Not detected by ./configure: sudo aptitude install libltdl3-dev sudo aptitude install libcupsimage2-dev Then, make completes, and you can run make-install successfully. The instructions tell you to run ekpd-tool, but that insists upon /sbin/pidof, which doesn't exist. (My Debian installation has /bin/pidof .) Those need to be fixed, then recompile: $ find . -name '*.c' -exec fgrep /sbin/pidof {} \; -print status = system("/sbin/pidof cupsd 2>&1 >/dev/null"); status = system("/sbin/pidof lpd 2>&1 >/dev/null"); ./Core/libutils/setup.c sprintf (com_buf, "%s%s","/sbin/pidof cupsd > ",temp_cupsid_file); ./Gui/ekpd-tool/interface.c $ At this point, it's not clear what to do. Running various programs, I get error messages like this: # ekpd-tool PIPS Warning: Printer not install. # ekpstm PIPS Error: /etc/ekpdrc : The resource file is not exist. PIPS Error: Default printer not found. Find the next printer... PIPS Error: /etc/ekpdrc : The resource file is not exist. Segmentation fault #