Module peakiness
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Source Code for Module peakiness

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  3  """Computes a measure of the peakiness of the waveform. 
  4  This is large for pulse trains, and small for hiss-like 
  5  signals. 
  6  """ 
  9  import sys 
 10  import math 
 11  from gmisclib import Num 
 12  from gmisclib import die 
 14  from gpk_voicing import RMSlib 
 15  from gpk_voicing import power 
 19  DT = 0.01       # Seconds.  Default output sampling interval. 
 20  HPF = 40.0      # Hz 
 21  Final_Smooth_Width = 0.030 
 22  SilenceTune = 0.85 
 23  DTSMOOTH1 = math.sqrt(Final_Smooth_Width**2 - DT**2/12.0) 
 24  DTSMOOTH2 = math.sqrt((SilenceTune*Final_Smooth_Width)**2 - DT**2/12.0) 
28 -def peakiness(data, dt, Dt, Hpf):
29 EPS = 1e-6 30 avd = RMSlib.compute_intensity(data, dt, Dt, 'avd', Hpf, 31 DTSmooth=DTSMOOTH1) 32 aavd = Num.sum(avd)/avd.shape[0] 33 rms = RMSlib.compute_intensity(data, dt, Dt, 'rms', Hpf, 34 DTSmooth=DTSMOOTH2) 35 return Num.minimum(1.0, Num.log(Num.maximum(1.0, rms/(avd + EPS*aavd))))
36 37 38 if __name__ == '__main__': 39 import gpkimgclass 40 arglist = sys.argv[1:] 41 columns = None 42 signalfile = None 43 outfile = None 44 extrahdr = {} 45 while len(arglist)>0 and arglist[0][0]=='-': 46 arg = arglist.pop(0) 47 if arg == '-c': 48 if columns == None: 49 columns = [] 50 tmp = arglist.pop(0) 51 try: 52 col = int(tmp) 53 except ValueError: 54 col = tmp 55 columns.append(col) 56 elif arg == '-f': 57 signalfile = arglist.pop(0) 58 die.note("signalfile", signalfile) 59 elif arg == '-o': 60 outfile = arglist.pop(0) 61 elif arg == '-dt': 62 DT = float(arglist.pop(0)) 63 assert DT>0.0, 'Silly time step.' 64 elif arg == '-hpf': 65 HPF = float(arglist.pop(0)) 66 assert HPF > 0.0, "Silly highpass frequency" 67 elif arg == '-write': 68 extrahdr = dict( [q.strip().split('=', 1) 69 for q in arglist.pop(0).split(';') ] 70 ) 71 else: 72 die.die("Unrecognized flag: %s" % arg) 73 if len(arglist) > 0: 74 rootname = arglist.pop(0) 75 if signalfile == None: 76 signalfile = rootname + '.d' 77 if outfile == None: 78 outfile = '%s.pkns.dat' % rootname 79 if outfile == None: 80 outfile = 'pkns.dat' 81 signal = 82 nch = signal.d.shape[1] 83 if columns == None: 84 columns = range(nch) 85 die.note("columns", str(columns)) 86 for c in columns: 87 try: 88 signal.column(c) 89 except KeyError: 90"File has %d columns" % signal.n[1]) 91 die.die("Bad column: %s" % str(c)) 92 93 tmp = [ 94 peakiness(signal.column(i), signal.dt(), DT, HPF) 95 for i in columns 96 ] 97 n = len(tmp[0]) 98 o = Num.zeros((n,), Num.Float) 99 for t in tmp: 100 Num.add(o, t, o) 101 o = o / nch 102 103 hdr = signal.hdr.copy() 104 hdr['CDELT2'] = DT 105 hdr['CRPIX2'] = 0 106 hdr['CRVAL2'] = signal.start() 107 hdr['CDELT1'] = 1 108 hdr['TTYPE1'] = 'peakiness' 109 hdr['BITPIX'] = -32 110 hdr.update( extrahdr ) 111 oo = gpkimgclass.gpk_img(hdr, Num.transpose( [o])) 112 oo.write(outfile) 113