Package lib :: Module voice_misc
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Source Code for Module lib.voice_misc

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  3  import math 
  4  import numpy 
  5  from gmisclib import ortho_poly 
  6  from gmisclib import die 
  7  from gmisclib import gpkmisc 
  9  from gpk_voicing import gammatone as GT 
12 -class cont_kernel_c(ortho_poly.ortho):
13 """An instance of this class produces a window with a specified number of nodes. 14 So, you construct the class (telling it the window size), and that 15 gives you a class instance. Then, you use the class instance (by 16 calling the self.P method) it creates a window with the specified 17 number of nodes. 18 """
19 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
20 """@type n: int or None 21 @param n: how many points in the window 22 """ 23 ortho_poly.ortho.__init__(self, n, x)
25 - def wt_(self):
26 return numpy.square(1.0-numpy.square(self.x))
28 - def compute(self, nnodes):
29 """@param nnodes: Now many zeros does the window have? 30 """ 31 if nnodes%2 == 0: 32 wiggle = numpy.cos((math.pi*(nnodes//2))*self.x) 33 else: 34 wiggle = numpy.sin((math.pi*((nnodes+1)//2))*self.x) 35 return (1.0 + numpy.cos(math.pi*self.x)) * wiggle
36 37 38 _wincache = {} 39 _WIN_CACHE_SIZE = 20 40
41 -def window(n, k, norm=2):
42 """Make a window of length n with k nodes. 43 The window is normalized so that numpy.sum(w**norm)==1.""" 44 45 assert n > 0 46 assert k >= 0 47 cachekey = (n,k,norm) 48 if cachekey in _wincache: 49 return _wincache[ cachekey ] 50 51 opn = cont_kernel_c(n) 52 # opn.x ranges over (-1, 1) 53 w = opn.P(k) 54 if norm > 0: 55 numpy.divide(w, (numpy.absolute(w)**norm).sum()**(1.0/norm), w) 56 while len(_wincache) > _WIN_CACHE_SIZE: 57 _wincache.popitem() 58 _wincache[ cachekey ] = w 59 return w
60 61 62
63 -def test_cont_kernel():
64 import pylab 65 c = cont_kernel_c(20) 66 pylab.plot(c.P(0)) 67 pylab.plot(c.P(1)) 68 pylab.plot(c.P(2)) 69 pylab.plot(c.P(3)) 70
71 72
73 -def cont_kernel(n, k, norm=2, kernel=window):
74 """Make a window with width n, 75 except that it changes continuously when n 76 is a floating point number. The resulting window is 77 always an odd length. 78 """ 79 assert n >= k 80 n2 = n/2.0 81 nu = 2*int(math.ceil(n2)) + 1 82 assert nu > 1 83 nl = 2*int(math.floor(n2)) + 1 84 assert nu==nl+2 or nu==nl 85 if nu==nl or nu<=k: 86 w = kernel(nu, k, norm=norm) 87 else: 88 f = n2 - math.floor(n2) 89 w = kernel(nu, k, norm=norm) 90 numpy.multiply(w, f, w) 91 wl = window(nl, k, norm=norm) 92 wul = w.shape[0] 93 dl = (wul-wl.shape[0])//2 94 assert dl>=0 and wul==wl.shape[0]+2*dl, "dl=%d wul=%d wll=%d" % (dl, wul, wl.shape[0]) 95 numpy.multiply(wl, 1-f, wl) 96 numpy.add(w[dl:wul-dl], wl, w[dl:wul-dl]) 97 if norm > 0: 98 numpy.divide(w, (numpy.absolute(w)**norm).sum()**(1.0/norm), w) 99 return w
100 101
102 -def xexp(a):
103 """exp(a), except protected from underflows.""" 104 MIN = -100 105 ok = numpy.greater(a, MIN) 106 return ok * numpy.exp(numpy.maximum(a, MIN))
107 108 109 110
111 -def start_end(t, dt, window, len_d):
112 """Find start and end points for a window. 113 @param t: desired window center (seconds). 114 @type t: float 115 @param window: window width (in samples). 116 @type window: int 117 @param dt: sampling interval (seconds). 118 @type dt: float 119 @param len_d: length of data array (samples). 120 @type len_d: int 121 @return (starting sample, end) where end=sample beyond the last 122 @rtype (int, int) 123 """ 124 assert type(window) == type(1) 125 s = int(round(t/dt - 0.5*window)) 126 if s < 0: 127 s = 0 128 elif s+window > len_d: 129 s = len_d - window 130 e = s + window 131 return (s, e)
132 133
134 -def _filter_win_size(n, cutoff_freq):
135 np = n + max(10.0/cutoff_freq, n*0.01) 136 nx = near_win_size(min=np+1, tol=1+n//11, real=True) 137 return nx - nx%2
138 139 140 141 _fftworkcache = {}
142 -def _fftwork(n):
143 """This estimates the work required to compute a FFT of size N, 144 using the Cooley-Tukey algorithm. 145 See 146 """ 147 try: 148 return _fftworkcache[n] 149 except KeyError: 150 pass 151 f1 = gpkmisc.a_factor(n) 152 if f1 == n: 153 tmp = n**2 154 else: 155 nof1 = n/f1 156 tmp = f1*_fftwork(nof1) + n + nof1*_fftwork(f1) 157 _fftworkcache[n] = tmp 158 return tmp
159 160
161 -def _fftwork_real(n):
162 """This is the work for a forward and reverse transform of 163 real data back to real data, using Num.FFT.rfft and Num.FFT.irfft 164 """ 165 return _fftwork(n) + _fftwork(n-n%2)
166 167
168 -def near_win_size(near=None, tol=None, min=None, max=None, real=False):
169 """Find a window size near the specified size where 170 the FFT algorithm is fastest.""" 171 172 if near is not None and tol is not None: 173 nmax = int(round(near + tol)) 174 nmin = int(round(near - tol)) 175 elif min is not None and max is not None: 176 nmax = int(round(max)) 177 nmin = int(round(min)) 178 elif min is not None and tol is not None: 179 nmin = int(round(min)) 180 nmax = int(round(min + tol)) 181 elif max is not None and tol is not None: 182 nmax = int(round(max)) 183 nmin = int(round(max - tol)) 184 else: 185 raise ValueError, "Needs near&tol, min&max, min&tol, or max&tol." 186 187 if real: 188 fftwork = _fftwork_real 189 else: 190 fftwork = _fftwork 191 192 besti = None 193 bestwork = None 194 Since_lim = 100 195 since = 0 196 for i in frommid_generator(nmin, nmax): 197 t = fftwork(i) 198 if bestwork is None or t < bestwork: 199 bestwork = t 200 besti = i 201 since = 0 202 else: 203 # This branch is just to keep near_win_size 204 # from trying too hard. Otherwise, it's quite 205 # possible to spend more time finding the optimal 206 # size than one spends taking the actual FFT. 207 since += 1 208 if since > Since_lim: 209 break 210 return besti
211 212
213 -def frommid_generator(s, e):
214 """Generate numbers in [s,e] starting at the midpoint.""" 215 mid = (s+e)//2 216 yield mid 217 for i in range(1, min(mid-s, e-mid)+1): 218 if mid+i <= e: 219 yield mid + i 220 if mid-i >= s: 221 yield mid - i
223 -def near_win_size_real(near=None, tol=None, min=None, max=None):
224 return near_win_size(near, tol, min, max, real=True)
225 226
227 -def test_win_size():
228 assert near_win_size(min=4, max=7) == 4 229 assert near_win_size(min=5, max=7) != 7 230 assert near_win_size(near=15, tol=2) != 17 231 assert near_win_size(near=14, tol=1) != 13 232 assert near_win_size(near=97, tol=1) != 97 233 assert near_win_size(near=197, tol=1) != 197 234 assert near_win_size(near=23, tol=1) != 23
235 236
237 -def test_print_win():
238 N = 100 239 w0 = window(N, 0) 240 w1 = window(N, 1) 241 w2 = window(N, 2) 242 w3 = window(N, 3) 243 w4 = window(N, 4) 244 w5 = window(N, 5) 245 for i in range(N): 246 print i, w0[i], w1[i], w2[i], w3[i], w4[i], w5[i]
247 248 249 250 # def hipass_first_order(d, cutoff_freq): 251 # """A first-order high-pass filter. 252 # Cutoff freq is measured in cycles per point.""" 253 # 254 # assert cutoff_freq >= 0.0 255 # assert len(d.shape) == 1 256 # n = d.shape[0] 257 # nx = _filter_win_size(n, cutoff_freq) 258 # dx = Num.FFT.rfft(d, nx) 259 # f = real_fft_freq(dx.shape[0]) 260 # fr = 1j* (f / cutoff_freq) 261 # ff = fr / (1 + fr) 262 # ff[0] = ff[0].real 263 # ff[-1] = ff[-1].real 264 # return Num.FFT.irfft(dx*ff, nx)[:n] 265 # 266 # 267 # def lopass_first_order(d, cutoff_freq): 268 # """A first-order low-pass filter. 269 # Cutoff freq is measured in cycles per point.""" 270 # 271 # assert cutoff_freq >= 0.0 272 # assert len(d.shape) == 1 273 # n = d.shape[0] 274 # nx = _filter_win_size(n, cutoff_freq) 275 # dx = Num.FFT.rfft(d, nx) 276 # f = real_fft_freq(dx.shape[0]) 277 # fr = 1j* (f / cutoff_freq) 278 # ff = 1 / (1 + fr) 279 # ff[0] = ff[0].real 280 # ff[-1] = ff[-1].real 281 # return Num.FFT.irfft(dx*ff, nx)[:n] 282 283 hipass_first_order = GT.hipass_first_order 284 lopass_first_order = GT.lopass_first_order 285 286
287 -def bandpass_first_order(d, cutoff_hp, cutoff_lp):
288 """A combinatio of a first-order high-pass filter 289 and a low-pass filter. 290 Cutoff freq is measured in cycles per point.""" 291 292 assert cutoff_lp >= 0.0 293 assert cutoff_hp >= 0.0 294 assert len(d.shape) == 1 295 n = d.shape[0] 296 nx = _filter_win_size(n, 1.0/math.hypot(1.0/cutoff_lp, 1.0/cutoff_hp)) 297 298 dx = numpy.fft.rfft(d, nx) 299 f = real_fft_freq(dx.shape[0]) 300 301 frlp = 1j* (f / cutoff_lp) 302 frhp = 1j* (f / cutoff_hp) 303 ff = frhp / ((1 + frhp)*(1+frlp)) 304 ff[0] = ff[0].real 305 ff[-1] = ff[-1].real 306 return numpy.fft.irfft(dx*ff, nx)[:n]
307 308
309 -def test_hpf():
310 q = numpy.cos(numpy.arange(10000)*0.003*2*math.pi) 311 sq = numpy.sum(q*q) 312 q1 = hipass_first_order(q, 0.0003) 313 sq1 = numpy.sum(q1*q1) 314 assert 0.98*sq < sq1 < 0.995*sq 315 q4 = hipass_first_order(q, 0.003) 316 sq4 = numpy.sum(q4*q4) 317 assert 0.4*sq < sq4 < 0.6*sq 318 q5 = hipass_first_order(q, 0.03) 319 sq5 = numpy.sum(q5*q5) 320 # print sq5/sq 321 assert 0.003 < sq5 < 0.03*sq
322 323 324 325
326 -def fft_freq(n, d=1.0):
327 """Returns an array of indices whose frequencies are between f0 and f1 328 after you've called fft(). 329 This will produce negative values where appropriate. 330 """ 331 if hasattr(numpy.fft, 'fftfreq'): 332 return numpy.fft.fftfreq(n, d) 333 fidx = numpy.arange(n) 334 fneg = fidx - n 335 useneg = numpy.less(-fneg, fidx) 336 df = 0.5/(n*d) 337 return df * numpy.where(useneg, fneg, fidx)
338 339
340 -def fft_indices(f0, f1, n, d=1.0):
341 """Returns an array of indices whose frequencies are between f0 and f1 342 after you've called real_fft(). 343 """ 344 raise RuntimeError, "Sorry! Not implemented"
345 346
347 -def real_fft_freq(n, d=1.0):
348 """Returns the frequencies associated with an index, after you've 349 called real_fft(). 350 @param d: The time interval between samples. 351 @type d: float 352 @param n: the size of the transformed array (i.e. frequency domain, complex) 353 @type n: int 354 @rtype: numpy.ndarray 355 @return: the frequency associated with each element in a Fourier Transform 356 """ 357 fidx = numpy.arange(n) 358 df = 0.5/(n*d) 359 return df * fidx
360 361
362 -def real_fft_indices(f0, f1, n, d=1.0):
363 """Returns the indices whose frequencies are between f0 and f1 364 after you've called real_fft(). 365 """ 366 df = 0.5/(n*d) 367 f0 = max(0.0, f0) 368 imin = int(math.ceil(f0/df)) 369 imax = int(math.floor(f1/df)) 370 return (imin, imax+1)
371 372 373
374 -def dataprep_flat_real(data, dt, edgewidth, pad=None):
375 return dataprep_flat_generic(data, dt, edgewidth, pad, True)
377 -def dataprep_flat(data, dt, edgewidth, pad=None):
378 return dataprep_flat_generic(data, dt, edgewidth, pad, False)
379 380
381 -def dataprep_flat_generic(data, dt, edgewidth, pad, isreal):
382 """Pad the data, subtract the average, and round 383 the edges of the window. 384 """ 385 assert len(data.shape) == 1 386 m = data.shape[0] 387 if pad is None: 388 pad = 2*edgewidth + m//10 389 min_win_size = m + pad 390 n = near_win_size(min=min_win_size, tol=m//11 + 1, real=isreal) 391 d = numpy.zeros((n,)) 392 avg = numpy.average(data) 393 d[:m] = data - avg 394 nedge = int(round(edgewidth/dt)) 395 assert nedge <= m 396 ew = 0.5*(1.0-numpy.cos((math.pi/nedge)*(numpy.arange(nedge)+0.5))) 397 numpy.multiply(d[:nedge], ew, d[:nedge]) 398 numpy.multiply(d[m-nedge:m], ew[::-1], d[m-nedge:m]) 399 return d
400 401
402 -def dataprep2_flat_generic(data, dt, edgewidth, pad, isreal):
403 """Pad the data, subtract the average, and round 404 the edges of the window. 405 """ 406 assert len(data.shape) == 2 407 m = data.shape[0] 408 if pad is None: 409 pad = 2*edgewidth + m//10 410 min_win_size = m + pad 411 n = near_win_size(min=min_win_size, tol=m//11 + 1, real=isreal) 412 d = numpy.zeros((n,data.shape[1])) 413 avg = numpy.average(data, axis=0) 414 d[:m,:] = data - avg 415 nedge = int(round(edgewidth/dt)) 416 assert nedge <= m 417 ew = 0.5*(1.0-numpy.cos((math.pi/nedge)*(numpy.arange(nedge)+0.5))) 418 numpy.multiply(d[:nedge], ew[:,numpy.newaxis], d[:nedge]) 419 numpy.multiply(d[m-nedge:m], ew[::-1,numpy.newaxis], d[m-nedge:m]) 420 return d
421 422
423 -def lowpass_sym_butterworth(d, cutoff_freq, order=4):
424 """A time-symmetric filter with a magnitude response that 425 is the same as the Butterworth filter. 426 Cutoff freq is measured in cycles per point.""" 427 assert len(d.shape) == 1 428 if cutoff_freq<=0 or cutoff_freq>10.0: 429 die.warn('Silly value of cutoff_freq: %g cycles per point.' % cutoff_freq) 430 n = d.shape[0] 431 nx = _filter_win_size(n, cutoff_freq) 432 dx = numpy.fft.rfft(d, nx) 433 f = real_fft_freq(dx.shape[0]) 434 ff = numpy.sqrt(1.0/(1 + (f/cutoff_freq)**(2*order))) 435 return numpy.fft.irfft(dx*ff, nx)[:n]
436 437 438 439
440 -def lowpass_sym_Gaussian(d, cutoff_freq):
441 """A time-symmetric filter with a Gaussian impulse response. 442 Cutoff freq is measured in cycles per point. 443 """ 444 assert len(d.shape) == 1 445 if cutoff_freq<=0 or cutoff_freq>10.0: 446 die.warn('Silly value of cutoff_freq: %g cycles per point.' % cutoff_freq) 447 n = d.shape[0] 448 nx = _filter_win_size(n, cutoff_freq) 449 dx = numpy.fft.rfft(d, nx) 450 f = real_fft_freq(dx.shape[0]) 451 q = 1.0/(2*cutoff_freq**2) 452 ff = numpy.exp(-numpy.square(f) * q) 453 return numpy.fft.irfft(dx*ff, nx)[:n]
454 455 lowpass_sym_gaussian = lowpass_sym_Gaussian 456 457 458
459 -def hipass_sym_butterworth(d, cutoff_freq, order=4):
460 """A time-symmetric filter with a magnitude response that 461 is the same as the Butterworth filter. 462 Cutoff freq is measured in cycles per point.""" 463 assert len(d.shape) == 1 464 if cutoff_freq<=0 or cutoff_freq>10.0: 465 die.warn('Silly value of cutoff_freq: %g cycles per point.' % cutoff_freq) 466 n = d.shape[0] 467 nx = _filter_win_size(n, cutoff_freq) 468 dx = numpy.fft.rfft(d, nx) 469 f = real_fft_freq(dx.shape[0]) 470 ff1 = (f/cutoff_freq)**(2*order) 471 ff = numpy.sqrt( ff1 / (1 + ff1) ) 472 return numpy.fft.irfft(dx*ff, nx)[:n]
473 474
475 -def test_lpb():
476 q = numpy.cos(numpy.arange(10000)*0.003*2*math.pi) 477 sq = numpy.sum(q*q) 478 q1 = lowpass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.1) 479 sq1 = numpy.sum(q1*q1) 480 # print sq1/sq 481 assert 0.99*sq < sq1 < 1.00001*sq 482 q2 = lowpass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.05) 483 sq2 = numpy.sum(q2*q2) 484 # print sq2/sq 485 assert 0.99*sq < sq2 < 1.00001*sq 486 q4 = lowpass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.003) 487 sq4 = numpy.sum(q4*q4) 488 # print sq4/sq 489 assert 0.4*sq < sq4 < 0.6*sq 490 q5 = lowpass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.001) 491 sq5 = numpy.sum(q5*q5) 492 # print sq5/sq 493 assert 0 < sq5 < 0.2*sq
494 495
496 -def test_hpb():
497 q = numpy.cos(numpy.arange(10000)*0.003*2*math.pi) 498 sq = numpy.sum(q*q) 499 q1 = hipass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.0003) 500 sq1 = numpy.sum(q1*q1) 501 # print sq1/sq 502 assert 0.99*sq < sq1 < 1.00001*sq 503 q4 = hipass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.003) 504 sq4 = numpy.sum(q4*q4) 505 # print sq4/sq 506 assert 0.4*sq < sq4 < 0.6*sq 507 q5 = hipass_sym_butterworth(q, 0.03) 508 sq5 = numpy.sum(q5*q5) 509 # print sq5/sq 510 assert 0 < sq5 < 0.2*sq
511 512
513 -def pink_noise(n):
514 """Create pink noise where the power spectral density 515 goes as 1/f (except right at f=0). 516 """ 517 m = near_win_size_real(near=2*n+2, tol=n//3+1) 518 519 rtmp = numpy.random.standard_normal(m) 520 itmp = numpy.random.standard_normal(m) 521 tmp = rtmp + 1j*itmp 522 f = real_fft_freq(m) 523 assert f[0] == 0.0 524 tmp[0] = 0.0 525 f[0] = 1.0 526 numpy.multiply(tmp, 1.0/numpy.sqrt( f ), tmp) 527 return numpy.fft.inverse_real_fft(tmp)[:n]
528 529 if __name__ == '__main__': 530 test_win_size() 531 test_print_win() 532 test_hpf() 533 test_lpb() 534 test_hpb() 535 # test_cont_kernel() 536