Package lib :: Module pseudo_dur
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Source Code for Module lib.pseudo_dur

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  3  """Duration estimator for speech. 
  5  It takes a local spectrum, bins it onto the Bark scale, 
  6  converts to perceptual loudness (via **E). 
  7  Then, it computes a measure of how far you can go 
  8  from each point before the spectrum changes too much. 
  9  """ 
 11  import math as M 
 12  import numpy 
 13  from gmisclib import die 
 14  from gmisclib import cache as CC 
 15  from gmisclib import gpkmisc 
 16  from gpk_voicing import fv_pdur as FVP 
 17  import gpk_voicing.fv_misc as FVM 
 19  TYP_DUR = 0.1   # Seconds 
22 -def pdur_guts(s, t, dir, Dt, C):
23 """t is an integer; an index into the data. 24 S is the normalized perceptual spectrum.""" 25 n = len(s) 26 assert s.shape[1] < 200, "Implausibly long feature vector. Is s transposed?" 27 sumdiff = 0.0 28 len_sum = 0.5 # The integral for the i==t case is trivial. 29 ctr_sum = 0.125*dir # The integral for i==t is trivial. 30 i = t + dir 31 while i>=0 and i<n and sumdiff<8: 32 delta_diff = Dt * C * numpy.square( numpy.absolute(s[i]-s[t])).sum() 33 34 # We assume that the spectrum is s[i] in the 35 # region from i-0.5 to i+0.5, and compute the 36 # integral( M.exp(-integral((s(t0)-s(t''))**2 from 0 to t', dt'')) 37 # from 0 to i+0.5, dt') 38 # The constancy of s over the interval (i-0.5,i+0.5) 39 # makes the inner integral piecewise linear. 40 # Sumdiff holds integral((s(t0)-s(t''))**2 from 0 to i-0.5) 41 if delta_diff <= 0: 42 # assume delta_diff = 0 43 lsd = M.exp(-sumdiff) 44 len_sum += lsd 45 # integral( (t''-t0)*M.exp(-integral((s(t0)-s(t''))**2 from 0 to t', dt'')) 46 # from 0 to i+0.5, dt') 47 slopeint = M.exp(-sumdiff) * 0.5 48 ctr_sum += (i-t-0.5*dir)*lsd + dir * slopeint 49 i += dir 50 else: 51 lsd = M.exp(-sumdiff) * (1.0-M.exp(-delta_diff))/delta_diff 52 len_sum += lsd 53 # integral( (t''-t0)*M.exp(-integral((s(t0)-s(t''))**2 from 0 to t', dt'')) 54 # from 0 to i+0.5, dt') 55 slopeint = M.exp(-sumdiff) \ 56 * (1.0-M.exp(-delta_diff)*(1+delta_diff))/delta_diff**2 57 ctr_sum += (i-t-0.5*dir)*lsd + dir * slopeint 58 i += dir 59 sumdiff += delta_diff 60 # Now, sumdiff holds integral((s(t0)-s(t''))**2 from 0 to i+0.5) 61 # print 't=', t, sum 62 return (len_sum*Dt, ctr_sum*Dt)
63 64
65 -def pdur(data, dt, Dt, out, c=None, lfac=None, Nsv=None, cache_info=None):
66 """Note that if C{cache_info} is non-Null, it *must* uniquely identify the data. 67 """ 68 # print 's.n=', data.shape 69 if Nsv is None: 70 Nsv = FVM.NSV 71 o = None 72 ci = None 73 if cache_info is not None: 74 assert isinstance(cache_info, CC.cache_info) 75 ci = cache_info.addinfo(dt, Dt, c, Nsv, 'pseudoduration', out) 76 try: 77 o = ci.load() 78 except ci.Errors: 79 pass 80 81 if o is None: 82 sp, descr, Dt, t0 = FVP.feature_vec(data, dt, Dt, Nsv=Nsv, cache_info=cache_info) 83 nfvc = len(sp) 84 sp = numpy.transpose(sp) 85 assert sp.shape[1] == nfvc 86 87 ns = sp.shape[0] 88 assert abs(ns*Dt - data.shape[0]*dt) < 0.1*ns*Dt 89 o = numpy.zeros((ns,), numpy.float) 90 if out=='pseudoduration' or out=='log(pseudoduration)': 91 for i in range(ns): 92 plp, pcp = pdur_guts(sp, i, 1, Dt, c) 93 plm, pcm = pdur_guts(sp, i, -1, Dt, c) 94 o[i] = plp + plm 95 elif out=='center_time': 96 for i in range(ns): 97 plp, pcp = pdur_guts(sp, i, 1, Dt, c) 98 plm, pcm = pdur_guts(sp, i, -1, Dt, c) 99 o[i] = Dt*(pcp + pcm)/(plp+plm) 100 else: 101 die.die('Whoops: out=%s' % out) 102 103 if ci is not None: 104 ci.dump(o) 105 106 if out == 'pseudoduration': 107 numpy.multiply(o, lfac, o) 108 elif out == 'log(pseudoduration)': 109 o = numpy.log((lfac/TYP_DUR)*o) 110 111 return o