Package lib :: Module fv_pdur
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Source Code for Module lib.fv_pdur

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
  3  """Duration estimator for speech. 
  5  It takes a local spectrum, 
  6  bins it onto the Bark scale, 
  7  converts to perceptual loudness (via **E). 
  8  Then, it computes a measure of how far you can go 
  9  from each point before the spectrum changes too much. 
 10  """ 
 12  import numpy 
 13  from gmisclib import cache as CC 
 14  from gmisclib import erb_scale 
 16  from gpk_voicing import cached_ps as PSC 
 17  from gpk_voicing import percep_spec as PS 
 18  from gpk_voicing import fv_misc as FVM 
 19  SillyWidthException = FVM.SillyWidthException 
 20  NSV = 0.75 
22 -def _irx(a):
23 return max(1, int(round(a)))
25 -def feature_vec_guts(data, dt, Dt, do_irx=True, 26 LF=1.0, Nsv=NSV, cache_info=None 27 ):
28 FORMANT_LOW = erb_scale.f_to_erb(200.0) 29 FORMANT_HIGH = erb_scale.f_to_erb(4000.0) 30 assert Dt > 0.0 and float(Dt)>0.0 31 bmin = erb_scale.f_to_erb(100.0) 32 bmax = erb_scale.f_to_erb(6000.0) 33 # all_ectrs, all_ps, t0 = PS.perceptual_spec(data, dt, Dt, ... 34 if cache_info is not None: 35 assert isinstance(cache_info, CC.cache_info) 36 all_ectrs, all_ps, t0 = PSC.perceptual_spec(data, dt, Dt, 37 bmin=bmin, bmax=bmax, db=FVM.DB, 38 do_mod=0, 39 do_dissonance=False, 40 PlompBouman=False, 41 cache_info=cache_info.copy() 42 ) 43 else: 44 all_ectrs, all_ps, t0 = PS.block_percep_spec(data, dt, Dt, 45 bmin=bmin, bmax=bmax, db=FVM.DB, 46 do_mod=0, 47 do_dissonance=False, 48 PlompBouman=False 49 ) 50 51 band_indices = [i for (i,ec) in enumerate(all_ectrs) if ec['type']=='band'] 52 neural = all_ps.take(band_indices, axis=0) 53 ectrs = [ec for ec in all_ectrs if ec['type']=='band'] 54 nband_indices = [i for (i,ec) in enumerate(all_ectrs) if ec['type']!='band'] 55 nneural = all_ps.take(nband_indices, axis=0) 56 nectrs = [ec for ec in all_ectrs if ec['type']!='band'] 57 58 assert nneural.shape[1]==neural.shape[1] 59 assert neural.shape[1]==all_ps.shape[1] 60 assert neural.shape[0]+nneural.shape[0] == all_ps.shape[0] 61 assert len(data.shape) == 1 62 assert abs(all_ps.shape[1]*Dt-data.shape[0]*dt) < 0.1*data.shape[0]*dt 63 64 neural_now = numpy.average(neural, axis=0) 65 assert neural_now.shape[0] == neural.shape[1] 66 neural_avg = numpy.square(neural_now).sum()/numpy.sum(neural_now) 67 numpy.divide(neural, neural_avg, neural) 68 numpy.divide(neural_now, neural_avg, neural_now) 69 70 assert nneural.shape[0] < nneural.shape[1] 71 assert len(nectrs) == nneural.shape[0] 72 for (i,e) in enumerate(nectrs): 73 assert e['type'] == 'band' 74 75 # print '# neural_avg=', neural_avg 76 w = 0.04 * LF / Dt 77 if do_irx: 78 w = _irx(w) 79 o, descr = FVM.vowel(w, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv, 80 formant_low=FORMANT_LOW, 81 formant_high=FORMANT_HIGH 82 ) 83 assert len(descr)==len(o), "Descriptor mismatch" 84 return (o, descr, Dt, t0)
85 86
87 -def feature_vec(data, dt, DT, LF=1.0, Nsv=NSV, do_irx=True, cache_info=None):
88 o = None 89 ci = None 90 if cache_info is not None: 91 assert isinstance(cache_info, CC.cache_info) 92 ci = cache_info.addinfo(dt, DT, LF, Nsv, 'fv_pdur') 93 try: 94 o = ci.load() 95 except ci.Errors: 96 pass 97 if o is None: 98 o = feature_vec_guts(data, dt, DT, LF=LF, Nsv=Nsv, 99 cache_info=cache_info 100 ) 101 if ci is not None: 102 ci.bg_dump(o) 103 return o