Package lib :: Module fv_misc
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Source Code for Module lib.fv_misc

  2  import re 
  3  import math 
  5  import numpy 
  7  from gmisclib import die 
  8  from gmisclib import cache as CC 
  9  from gmisclib import gpkmisc 
 10  from gmisclib import g_encode 
 11  from gmisclib import erb_scale 
 12  from gmisclib import Numeric_gpk as NG 
 13  from gpk_voicing import voice_misc 
 14  from gpk_voicing import cached_ps as PSC 
 15  from gpk_voicing import percep_spec as PS 
 16  try: 
 17          from gpk_voicing import pseudo_dur as PD 
 18  except ImportError: 
 19          PD = None 
 21  pylab = None 
 22  # import pylab 
 24  DB = math.sqrt(0.5) 
 25  NSV = 0.75 
 26  # Dt = 0.005 
 27  C = 10.0 
30 -class SillyWidthException(ValueError):
31 - def __init__(self, *s):
32 ValueError.__init__(self, *s)
33 34 35 # def edgepair_win(n): 36 # e = Num.zeros((2*n,), Num.Float) 37 # e[:n] = -1.0 38 # e[n:] = 1.0 39 # s = Num.ones((2*n), Num.Float) 40 # return (e, s) 41 42
43 -def edgepair_win(n):
44 if not n > 0: 45 raise SillyWidthException, n 46 if isinstance(n, int): 47 tmp0 = voice_misc.window(2*n, 0) 48 tmp1 = voice_misc.window(2*n, 1) 49 else: 50 tmp0 = voice_misc.cont_kernel(2+2*n, 0) 51 tmp1 = voice_misc.cont_kernel(2+2*n, 1) 52 norm = gpkmisc.N_maximum(tmp0) 53 return (tmp1/norm, tmp0/norm)
54 55 56 # def win(n): 57 # tmp = Num.ones((n,), Num.Float) 58 # return tmp 59
60 -def win(n):
61 if not n > 0: 62 raise SillyWidthException, n 63 if isinstance(n, int): 64 tmp = voice_misc.window(n, 0) 65 else: 66 tmp = voice_misc.cont_kernel(n, 0) 67 return tmp/gpkmisc.N_maximum(tmp)
68 69
70 -def burst_win(n, i):
71 if not n > 0: 72 raise SillyWidthException, n 73 tmp = numpy.zeros((n,), numpy.float) 74 tmp[i] = 1.0 75 neg = win(n) 76 nneg = neg/neg.sum() 77 return (tmp - nneg, nneg)
78 79
80 -def entropy(w):
81 assert numpy.greater(w, 0.0).all() 82 p = w/numpy.sum(w) 83 return -numpy.sum(p*numpy.log(p))
85 -def convolve(signal, kernel):
86 """Returns something the length of the signal, by zero padding.""" 87 if signal.shape[0] > kernel.shape[0]: 88 return numpy.convolve(signal, kernel, 1) 89 m = 1+kernel.shape[0]-signal.shape[0] 90 tmp = numpy.concatenate((signal, numpy.zeros((m,), numpy.float))) 91'Narrow signal: padding from %d to %d' % (signal.shape[0], m)) 92 return numpy.convolve(tmp, kernel, 1)[:signal.shape[0]]
93 94
95 -def vowel(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv, 96 formant_low=None, formant_high=None):
97 VFAC = 0.75 98 cs = win(width) 99 css = cs.sum() 100 101 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs/css) 102 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/numpy.sum(nns)) 103 # The second term within the hypot() should always be Nsv*one. 104 105 # pylab.plot(norm) 106 # pylab.figure() 107 o = [] 108 descr = [] 109 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 110 if e['type']=='band' and formant_low < e['erb'] < formant_high: 111 tmp = (VFAC/css)*convolve(neural[i], cs)/norm 112 # pylab.plot(tmp) 113 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 114 dtmp = e.copy() 115 dtmp['type'] = 'vowel' 116 dtmp['width'] = width 117 dtmp['Kentropy'] = entropy(cs) 118 dtmp['Fentropy'] = 0.0 119 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = 1 120 dtmp['a_scaling'] = 1 121 # pylab.title('vowel %s' % dtmp['id']) 122 # pylab.figure() 123 o.append(tmp) 124 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d:%.1f' % (dtmp['type'], width, e['erb']) 125 descr.append( dtmp ) 126 # 127 return (o, descr)
128 129
130 -def spectral_entropy(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
131 """This is inspired (but only loosely) by 132 "Robust Entropy-based Endpoint Detection for Speech Recognition 133 in Noisy Environments." by Jia-lin Shen and Jeih-weih Hung 134 and Lin-shan Lee, 135 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 1998. 136 """ 137 assert Nsv > 0.0 138 SEF = 1.0 139 EPS = 1e-6 140 cs = win(width) 141 assert numpy.greater(cs, 0.0).all() 142 143 nnt = [] 144 nns = numpy.zeros(neural.shape[1], numpy.float) 145 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 146 if e['type']=='band': 147 assert numpy.greater_equal(neural[i], 0.0).all() 148 tmp = convolve(neural[i], cs) 149 nnt.append(tmp) 150 numpy.add(nns, tmp, nns) 151 152 np = len(nnt) 153 ent_sum = numpy.zeros(neural.shape[1], numpy.float) + math.log(4.0) 154 for tmp in nnt: 155 numpy.divide(tmp, nns, tmp) 156 numpy.add(tmp, EPS*nns, tmp) 157 etmp = tmp*numpy.log(tmp) 158 numpy.add(ent_sum, etmp, ent_sum) 159 numpy.multiply(ent_sum, -SEF, ent_sum) 160 # pylab.title('spectral_entropy') 161 # 162 assert np > 0 163 dtmp = {'type': 'spectral_entropy', 164 'width': width, 165 'Kentropy': entropy(cs), 166 'Fentropy': math.log(np), 167 'id': 'Sentropy:%d' % width, 168 't_symmetry': 1, 169 'a_scaling': 0 170 } 171 return ([ent_sum], [dtmp])
172 173
174 -def space_time_entropy(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
175 assert Nsv > 0.0 176 SEF = 1.0 177 EPS = 1e-6 178 cs = win(width) 179 180 nnt = [] 181 nns = numpy.zeros(neural.shape[1], numpy.float) 182 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 183 if e['type']=='band': 184 assert numpy.greater_equal(neural[i], 0.0).all() 185 nnt.append(neural[i]) 186 numpy.add(nns, neural[i], nns) 187 188 np = len(nnt) 189 nns = convolve(nns, cs) 190 ent_sum = numpy.zeros(neural.shape[1], numpy.float) + math.log(3.0*np) 191 for tmp in nnt: 192 numpy.divide(tmp, nns, tmp) 193 numpy.add(tmp, EPS*nns, tmp) 194 etmp = convolve(tmp*numpy.log(tmp), cs) 195 numpy.add(ent_sum, etmp, ent_sum) 196 numpy.multiply(ent_sum, -SEF, ent_sum) 197 # pylab.title('spectral_entropy') 198 # 199 assert np > 0 200 dtmp = {'type': 'space_time_entropy', 201 'width': width, 202 'Kentropy': entropy(cs), 203 'Fentropy': math.log(np), 204 'id': 'STentropy:%d' % width, 205 't_symmetry': 1, 206 'a_scaling': 0 207 } 208 return ([ent_sum], [dtmp])
209 210 211
212 -def haspitch(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
213 HFAC = {'high': 20.0, 'all': 10.0, 1: 10.0} 214 cs = win(width) 215 css = cs.sum() 216 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/cs.sum() 217 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 218 o = [] 219 descr = [] 220 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 221 if e['type'].startswith('haspitch'): 222 tmp = (HFAC[e['variant']]/css)*convolve(neural[i], cs)/norm 223 # pylab.figure() 224 # pylab.title('e=%s' % e['id']) 225 # pylab.plot(neural[i]) 226 # pylab.plot(tmp) 227 # pylab.plot(norm) 228 o.append(tmp) 229 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 230 dtmp = e.copy() 231 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d' % (dtmp['id'], width) 232 dtmp['Kentropy'] = entropy(cs) 233 assert 'Fentropy' in dtmp 234 dtmp['width'] = width 235 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = 1 236 dtmp['a_scaling'] = 1 237 descr.append( dtmp ) 238 # 239 return (o, descr)
240 241 242
243 -def peakiness(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
244 HFAC = 10 245 cs = win(width) 246 css = cs.sum() 247 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/css 248 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/numpy.sum(nns)) 249 o = [] 250 descr = [] 251 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 252 if e['type'].startswith('peakalign'): 253 tmp = (HFAC/css)*convolve(neural[i], cs)/norm 254 # pylab.figure() 255 # pylab.title('e=%s' % e['id']) 256 # pylab.plot(neural[i]) 257 # pylab.plot(tmp) 258 # pylab.plot(norm) 259 o.append(tmp) 260 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 261 dtmp = e.copy() 262 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d' % (dtmp['id'], width) 263 dtmp['Kentropy'] = entropy(cs) 264 assert 'Fentropy' in dtmp 265 dtmp['width'] = width 266 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = 1 267 dtmp['a_scaling'] = 1 268 descr.append( dtmp ) 269 # 270 return (o, descr)
271 272 273 # This is dubious, unless the calibration (C) is set for the 274 # particular code that produces neural. Note that the "official" 275 # pseudoduration estimator uses its own set of feature vectors.
276 -def pdur(ectrs, neural, neural_now, Dt, Cfac=1.0):
277 if PD is None: # If pseuduration is not available. 278 return ([], []) 279 TYPICAL = 0.100 280 c = C * Cfac 281 norm2 = (numpy.square(neural_now).sum()/numpy.sum(neural_now))**2 282 no = neural_now.shape[0] 283 out = numpy.zeros((no,), numpy.float) 284 for t in range(no): 285 plm, pcm = PD.pdur_guts(neural.transpose(), t, -1, Dt, c/norm2) 286 plp, pcp = PD.pdur_guts(neural.transpose(), t, 1, Dt, c/norm2) 287 out[t] = plm + plp 288 if pylab: 289 pylab.figure() 290 pylab.title('pdur') 291 pylab.plot(out) 292 293 nbands = 0 294 for e in ectrs: 295 if e['type']=='band': 296 nbands += 1 297 assert nbands > 0 298 typical = NG.N_median(out) 299 descr = [ {'id': 'pseudoduration:%f' % c, 300 'Kentropy': NG.N_median(numpy.log(out)), 301 'Fentropy': math.log(nbands), 302 'width': typical, 303 't_symmetry': 1, 'a_scaling': 0 304 } ] 305 return ([numpy.log(out/TYPICAL)], descr)
306 307
308 -def roughness(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
309 HFAC = {1: 4.0} 310 cs = win(width) 311 css = cs.sum() 312 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/css 313 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 314 o = [] 315 descr = [] 316 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 317 if e['type'].startswith('roughness'): 318 tmp = (HFAC[e['variant']]/css)*convolve(neural[i], cs)/norm 319 # pylab.figure() 320 # pylab.title('e=%s' % e['id']) 321 # pylab.plot(neural[i]) 322 # pylab.plot(tmp) 323 # pylab.plot(norm) 324 o.append(tmp) 325 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 326 dtmp = e.copy() 327 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d' % (dtmp['id'], width) 328 dtmp['Kentropy'] = entropy(cs) 329 assert 'Fentropy' in dtmp 330 dtmp['width'] = width 331 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = 1 332 dtmp['a_scaling'] = 1 333 descr.append( dtmp ) 334 # 335 return (o, descr)
336 337 dissonance = roughness # obsolete 338 339 340
341 -def vowel_edge(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv, do_abs=False, 342 formant_low=None, formant_high=None):
343 VEfac = 0.7 344 ce, cs = edgepair_win(width) 345 css = cs.sum() 346 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/css 347 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 348 # pylab.plot(norm) 349 # pylab.figure() 350 o = [] 351 descr = [] 352 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 353 if e['type']=='band' and formant_low < e['erb'] < formant_high: 354 tmp = VEfac * convolve(neural[i], ce)/norm 355 # pylab.plot(tmp) 356 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 357 dtmp = e.copy() 358 dtmp['width'] = 2*width 359 dtmp['Kentropy'] = entropy(cs) 360 dtmp['Fentropy'] = 0.0 361 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = -1 362 dtmp['a_scaling'] = 1 363 if do_abs: 364 o.append( numpy.absolute(tmp) ) 365 dtmp['type'] = 'vowel |edge|' 366 else: 367 o.append( tmp ) 368 dtmp['type'] = 'vowel edge' 369 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d:%.1f' % (dtmp['type'], width, e['erb']) 370 descr.append( dtmp ) 371 # 372 return (o, descr)
373 374
375 -def fricative(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
376 CSSE = 0.7 377 N = neural[0].shape[0] 378 cs = win(width) 379 css = cs.sum() 380 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/css 381 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 382 # pylab.plot(norm) 383 # pylab.figure() 384 o = [] 385 descr = [] 386 for (rs, re, fac) in [(70.0, 700.0, 0.6), (700.0, 1500.0, 0.6), 387 (1500.0, 2500.0, 0.9), (2500.0, 4000.0, 1.1), 388 (4000.0, 6000.0, 1.3) 389 ]: 390 tsum = numpy.zeros((N,), numpy.float) 391 elow = erb_scale.f_to_erb(rs) 392 ehigh = erb_scale.f_to_erb(re) 393 included = [] 394 nq = 0 395 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 396 if e['type']=='band' and elow < e['erb'] < ehigh: 397 numpy.add(tsum, neural[i], tsum) 398 included.append(e) 399 nq += 1 400 tmp = (fac/css**CSSE) * convolve(tsum, cs)/(norm*nq) 401 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 402 403 included.sort(key=lambda x:x['erb']) 404 dtmp = {'width': width, 405 'type': 'fricative', 't_symmetry': 1, 406 'erbs': [e['erb'] for e in included], 407 'fcs' : [e['fc'] for e in included], 408 'Kentropy': entropy(cs), 409 'Fentropy': -math.log(len(included)), 410 'a_scaling': 1 411 } 412 o.append(tmp) 413 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d:%.1f-%.1f' % (dtmp['type'], width, included[0]['erb'], included[-1]['erb']) 414 descr.append( dtmp ) 415 # 416 return (o, descr)
417 418
419 -def prominence(ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
420 WIDTH = 20 421 N = neural[0].shape[0] 422 ce, cs = edgepair_win(WIDTH) 423 css = cs.sum() 424 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs) 425 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 426 # pylab.plot(norm) 427 # pylab.figure() 428 o = [] 429 descr = [] 430 included = [] 431 for (rs, re, fac) in [ (70.0, 600.0, 0.22), (600.0, 2000.0, 0.25), 432 (2000.0, 3000.0, 0.32), (3000.0, 6000.0, 0.35) ]: 433 tsum = numpy.zeros((N,), numpy.float) 434 elow = erb_scale.f_to_erb(rs) 435 ehigh = erb_scale.f_to_erb(re) 436 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 437 if e['type']=='band' and elow < e['erb'] < ehigh: 438 numpy.add(tsum, neural[i], tsum) 439 included.append(e) 440 tmp = (fac/css) * convolve(tsum, ce)/norm 441 # pylab.plot(tmp + len(o)) 442 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 443 included.sort(key=lambda x:x['erb']) 444 dtmp = {'type': 'prominence', 'width': WIDTH, 445 'erbs': [e['erb'] for e in included], 446 'fcs' : [e['fc'] for e in included], 447 'Kentropy': entropy(cs), 448 'Fentropy': -math.log(len(included)), 449 'id': 'prominence:%d:%.1f-%.1f' % (WIDTH, included[0]['erb'], included[-1]['erb']), 450 't_symmetry': 1, 'a_scaling': 1 451 } 452 o.append( tmp ) 453 descr.append( dtmp ) 454 # 455 return (o, descr)
456 457 458
459 -def fricative_edge(width, ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv, do_abs=False, version=1):
460 CSSE = 1.6 461 N = neural[0].shape[0] 462 ce, cs = edgepair_win(width) 463 css = cs.sum() 464 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/css 465 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 466 # pylab.plot(norm) 467 # pylab.figure() 468 o = [] 469 descr = [] 470 if version==1: 471 flist = [(70.0, 700.0, 7), (700.0, 1500.0, 7), 472 (1500.0, 2500.0, 7), (2500.0, 4000.0, 7), 473 (4000.0, 6000.0, 7)] 474 elif version==2: 475 flist = [(100.0, 300.0, 7), (300.0, 550.0, 7), (550.0, 900.0, 7), 476 (900.0, 1400.0, 7), 477 (1400.0, 2800.0, 7), (2800.0, 5000.0, 7)] 478 for (rs, re, fac) in flist: 479 tsum = numpy.zeros((N,), numpy.float) 480 elow = erb_scale.f_to_erb(rs) 481 ehigh = erb_scale.f_to_erb(re) 482 included = [] 483 nq = 0 484 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 485 if e['type']=='band' and elow < e['erb'] < ehigh: 486 numpy.add(tsum, neural[i], tsum) 487 included.append(e) 488 nq += 1 489 tmp = (fac/css**CSSE) * convolve(tsum, ce)/(norm*nq) 490 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 491 492 included.sort(key=lambda x:x['erb']) 493 dtmp = {'width': width, 494 'erbs': [e['erb'] for e in included], 495 'fcs' : [e['fc'] for e in included], 496 'Kentropy': entropy(cs), 497 'Fentropy': -math.log(len(included)), 498 'a_scaling': 1 499 } 500 if do_abs: 501 o.append( numpy.absolute(tmp) ) 502 dtmp['type'] = 'fricative |edge|' 503 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = 1 504 else: 505 o.append( tmp ) 506 dtmp['type'] = 'fricative edge' 507 dtmp['t_symmetry'] = -1 508 dtmp['id'] = '%s:%d:%.1f-%.1f' % (dtmp['type'], width, included[0]['erb'], included[-1]['erb']) 509 descr.append( dtmp ) 510 # 511 return (o, descr)
512 513
514 -def burst(ectrs, neural, neural_now, Nsv):
515 BKGWIDTH = 8 516 WIDTH = 1 517 N = neural[0].shape[0] 518 ce,cs = burst_win(BKGWIDTH, 2) 519 nns = convolve(neural_now, cs)/cs.sum() 520 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 521 # pylab.plot(norm) 522 # pylab.figure() 523 o = [] 524 descr = [] 525 included = [] 526 # Burst bandwidth needs to be large enough so that the 527 # burst can fit into a 10ms slot. 528 for (rs, re, fac) in [ (150.0, 500.0, 1.0), (500.0, 1200.0, 1.0), 529 (1200.0, 2800.0, 1.0), (2800.0, 6000.0, 1.0) ]: 530 tsum = numpy.zeros((N,), numpy.float) 531 elow = erb_scale.f_to_erb(rs) 532 ehigh = erb_scale.f_to_erb(re) 533 for (i, e) in enumerate(ectrs): 534 if e['type']=='band' and elow < e['erb'] < ehigh: 535 numpy.add(tsum, neural[i], tsum) 536 included.append( e ) 537 tss = fac * convolve(tsum, ce)/norm 538 # pylab.plot(tmp + len(o)) 539 # print 'RMS', math.sqrt(Num.square(tmp).sum()/tmp.shape[0]) 540 included.sort(key=lambda x:x['erb']) 541 o.append( tss ) 542 descr.append( {'type': 'burst', 'width': WIDTH, 543 'bkgwidth': BKGWIDTH, 544 'erbs': [e['erb'] for e in included], 545 'fcs' : [e['fc'] for e in included], 546 'Kentropy': entropy(cs), 547 'Fentropy': -math.log(len(included)), 548 'id': 'burst:%d:%.1f-%.1f' 549 % (WIDTH, included[0]['erb'], included[-1]['erb']), 550 't_symmetry': 1, 'a_scaling': 1 551 } 552 ) 553 # 554 return (o, descr)
555 556 557
558 -class scale_xform(object):
559 - def __init__(self, opt_string, name='???', prefix='scale'):
560 self.prefix = prefix 561 self._name = name 562 = [] 563 for tmp in opt_string.split('\n'): 564 if tmp=='' or tmp.startswith('#'): 565 continue 566 v, k = tmp.split() 567 (re.compile(k), float(v)) ) 568 self._e = g_encode.encoder(notallowed=' %,')
570 - def get(self, k):
571 for (pat,v) in 572 if pat.match(k): 573 return v 574 raise KeyError, "scale_xform.get(%s): no matching pattern." % k
576 - def get_many(self, *k):
577 for q in k: 578 yield self.get(q)
580 - def name(self):
581 return self._name
583 - def operate(self, o, descr):
584 assert o.shape[1] == len(descr) 585 for (i,d) in enumerate(descr): 586 k = '%s,%s' % (self.prefix, self._e.fwd(d['id'])) 587 scalefac = math.exp(self.get(k)) 588 numpy.multiply(o[:,i], scalefac, o[:,i]) 589 d['id'] = d['id'] + '(scaled)' 590 d['scalefac'] = scalefac
592 - def describe_xform(self):
593 pass
594 595
596 -def normalize_neural(data, dt, Dt, bmin=None, bmax=None, db=DB, do_mod=0, do_dissonance=False, 597 PlompBouman=False, cache_info=None, 598 norm_kernel=None, Nsv=None, t_kernel=None, f_kernel=None 599 ):
600 if cache_info is not None: 601 assert isinstance(cache_info, CC.cache_info) 602 all_ectrs, all_ps, t0 = PSC.perceptual_spec(data, dt, Dt, 603 bmin=bmin, bmax=bmax, db=db, 604 do_mod=do_mod, 605 do_dissonance=do_dissonance, 606 PlompBouman=PlompBouman, 607 cache_info=cache_info 608 ) 609 else: 610 all_ectrs, all_ps, t0 = PS.block_percep_spec(data, dt, Dt, 611 bmin=bmin, bmax=bmax, db=db, 612 do_mod=do_mod, 613 do_dissonance=do_dissonance, 614 PlompBouman=PlompBouman 615 ) 616 617 lng = all_ps.shape[1] 618 def ctr_freq(x): 619 return x[1]['erb']
620 ecbsorted = sorted([(i,ec) for (i,ec) in enumerate(all_ectrs) if ec['type']=='band'], 621 key=ctr_freq) 622 band_indices = [i for (i,ec) in ecbsorted] 623 ectrs = [ec for (i,ec) in ecbsorted] 624 neural = all_ps.take(band_indices, axis=0) 625 626 assert neural.shape[1]==lng 627 assert len(data.shape) == 1 628 assert abs(lng*Dt-data.shape[0]*dt) < 0.1*data.shape[0]*dt 629 630 neural_now = numpy.average(neural, axis=0) 631 assert neural_now.shape[0] == lng 632 neural_avg = numpy.square(neural_now).sum()/neural_now.sum() 633 numpy.divide(neural, neural_avg, neural) 634 numpy.divide(neural_now, neural_avg, neural_now) 635 if t_kernel is not None: 636 for f in range(neural.shape[0]): 637 neural[f,:] = numpy.convolve(neural[f,:], t_kernel, mode="same") 638 if f_kernel is not None: 639 for t in range(lng): 640 neural[:,t] = numpy.convolve(neural[:,t], f_kernel, mode="same") 641 642 nband_indices = [i for (i,ec) in enumerate(all_ectrs) if ec['type']!='band'] 643 nneural = all_ps.take(nband_indices, axis=0) 644 nectrs = [ec for ec in all_ectrs if ec['type']!='band'] 645 646 nns = convolve(neural_now, norm_kernel) 647 norm = numpy.hypot(nns, Nsv * numpy.square(nns).sum()/nns.sum()) 648 649 numpy.divide(neural, norm[numpy.newaxis,:], neural) 650 651 assert neural.shape[0]+nneural.shape[0] == all_ps.shape[0] 652 assert nneural.shape[1]==neural.shape[1] 653 assert nneural.shape[0] < nneural.shape[1] 654 assert len(nectrs) == nneural.shape[0] 655 for (i,e) in enumerate(nectrs): 656 assert e['type'] == 'band' 657 658 return (t0, neural, ectrs, nneural, nectrs) 659