Package gmisclib :: Module xwaves_lab
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.xwaves_lab

  1  """Reads label files produced by ESPS xwaves. 
  2  Writes labels files that ESPS xwaves can read. 
  3  """ 
  5  import os 
  6  import sys 
  7  from gmisclib import die 
  8  from gmisclib.xwaves_errs import * 
11 -def read(filename, loose=0):
12 """read in .lab files produced by ESPS xlabel. returns (header, data). 13 Data = [(time, label), ...]. 14 Note that leading or trailing spaces in the label are removed. 15 """ 16 HUGE = 1e30 17 hdr = {} 18 if filename == '-': 19 fd = sys.stdin 20 else: 21 try: 22 fd = open(filename, "r") 23 except IOError, x: 24 raise NoSuchFileError, x 25 n = 0 26 comments = [] 27 while True: 28 l = fd.readline() 29 n += 1 30 if not l: 31 raise BadFileFormatError, '%s:%d' % (filename, n) 32 if l.startswith('#'): 33 break 34 if l.startswith('comment'): 35 comments.append(l[len('comment'):].strip()) 36 continue 37 try: 38 a, v = l.split(None, 1) 39 except ValueError: 40 if loose: 41 hdr[l.strip()] = '' 42 loose -= 1 43 else: 44 die.warn( ("Line %d:" % n) + l.strip()) 45 raise BadFileFormatError, '%s:%d' % (filename, n) 46 else: 47 hdr[a.strip()] = v.strip() 48 49 t_last = -HUGE 50 d = [] 51 while True: 52 l = fd.readline() 53 if not l: 54 break 55 n += 1 56 57 l = l.lstrip().rstrip('\r\n') 58 if not l: 59 continue # Skip blank lines 60 61 lsplit = l.split(None, 2) 62 63 if len(lsplit)==2 and (l.endswith(' ') or l.endswith('\t')): 64 t, junk = lsplit 65 label = '' 66 elif len(lsplit)==2 and loose > 0: 67 loose -= 1 68 t,junk = lsplit 69 label = '' 70 comments.append('Two columns: assuming third is empty: line %d: %s' % (n, l)) 71 elif len(lsplit) == 2: 72 raise BadFileFormatError, 'Two columns: should be three: %s:%d' % (filename, n) 73 else: 74 t, junk, label = lsplit 75 76 t = float(t) 77 if t >= t_last: 78 d.append((t, label)) 79 elif loose > 0: 80 d.append((t, label)) 81 loose -= 1 82 else: 83 raise DataOutOfOrderError, '%s:%d' % (filename, n) 84 t_last = t 85 86 fd.flush() 87 # os.fsync(fd.fileno()) # Commit to disk. 88 fd = None # This will close most files, except for sys.stdin 89 # which has probably some other reference keeping 90 # it open. 91 92 hdr['_COMMENT'] = '\n'.join(comments) 93 hdr['_NAME'] = filename 94 hdr['_FILETYPE'] = 'xlabel' 95 hdr['NAXIS'] = 2 96 hdr['NAXIS2'] = len(d) 97 hdr['NAXIS1'] = 2 98 hdr['TTYPE1'] = 'time' 99 hdr['TUNIT1'] = 's' 100 hdr['TTYPE2'] = 'label' 101 102 return (hdr, d)
103 104
105 -def start_stop(d, dropfirst=False):
106 """Converts data in (end_time, label) format to (t_start, t_stop, label)""" 107 o = [] 108 last = None 109 for (time, label) in d: 110 o.append( (last, time, label) ) 111 last = time 112 if dropfirst and len(o)>0: 113 o.pop(0) 114 return o
115 116
117 -def end_marks(d, beglabel, delta=0.001, interlabel=None):
118 """Converts data in a (start, stop, label) format to (end_time, label). 119 It introduces extra labels if neccessary. 120 A beginning label is required, to mark the start of the first segment.""" 121 if len(d) == 0: 122 return [] 123 if interlabel is None: 124 interlabel = beglabel 125 start, stop, label = d[0] 126 o = [ (start, beglabel), (stop, label) ] 127 laststop = stop 128 for (start, stop, label) in d[1:]: 129 if start > laststop + delta: 130 o.append( (start, interlabel) ) 131 o.append( (stop, label) ) 132 laststop = stop 133 return o
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136 -def write(fd, header, data):
137 """Expects data in [(t, label), ...] form. 138 """ 139 h = {'font': '-misc-*-bold-*-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-*-*', 140 'separator': ';', 141 'nfields': ';' 142 } 143 h.update(header) 144 d = list(data) 145 d.sort() 146 147 alist = h.items() 148 alist.sort() 149 for (a, v) in alist: 150 if v != '': 151 for tmp in str(v).split('\n'): 152 fd.write('%s %s\n' % (a, tmp)) 153 fd.write('#\n') 154 fd.flush() 155 for (t, mark) in data: 156 fd.write('%12.5f -1 %s\n' % (t, str(mark).strip())) 157 fd.flush()
158 159 160 if __name__ == '__main__': 161 hdr, data = read(sys.argv[1]) 162 for (t, l) in data: 163 print t, l 164