Package gmisclib :: Module wavesurfer_lab
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.wavesurfer_lab

  1  """When used as a script, this reads label files produced by wavesurfer 
  2  and prints the result. 
  4  Also contains functions that can be used for reading and writing the 
  5  label format preferred by Wavesurfer. 
  6  """ 
  7  import re 
  8  import sys 
  9  from gmisclib.xwaves_errs import * 
 11  _avpat = re.compile('#\s*([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$') 
 13  _COMTAG = '_COMMENT' 
15 -def read(filename, loose=0):
16 """Read in label (transcription) files produced by wavesurfer. 17 18 Note that leading or trailing spaces in the label are removed. 19 20 @param filename: name of label file or '-' to mean L{sys.stdin} 21 @type filename: str 22 @param loose: how many minor deviations from the ideal format are allowed 23 @type loose: int 24 @return: (header, data). 25 Data = [(starttime, endtime, label), ...]. 26 """ 27 HUGE = 1e30 28 hdr = {} 29 if filename == '-': 30 fd = sys.stdin 31 else: 32 try: 33 fd = open(filename, "r") 34 except IOError, x: 35 raise NoSuchFileError, x 36 n = 0 37 t0last = -HUGE 38 t1last = -HUGE 39 d = [] 40 comments = [] 41 while True: 42 n += 1 43 l = fd.readline() 44 if not l: 45 break 46 l = l.lstrip().rstrip('\r\n') 47 if not l: 48 if loose > 0: 49 loose -= 1 50 else: 51 raise BadFileFormatError, 'blank lines prohibited: %s:%d' % (filename, n) 52 if l == '#\n': 53 continue 54 if l.startswith('#'): 55 m = _avpat.match(l) 56 if m: 57 hdr[] = 58 else: 59 comments.append( l[1:].strip() ) 60 continue 61 a = l.split(None, 2) 62 if len(a) == 2 and float(a[0]) and float(a[1]): 63 if l[-1] in (' ', '\t'): 64 a.append( '' ) 65 elif loose > 0: 66 a.append( '' ) 67 loose -= 1 68 else: 69 raise BadFileFormatError, 'label must not be empty: %s:%d' % (filename, n) 70 if len(a) == 3: 71 try: 72 t0 = float(a[0]) 73 t1 = float(a[1]) 74 except ValueError: 75 raise BadFileFormatError, 'Need <float> <float> before <label> %s:%d' % (filename, n) 76 77 if t0>=t0last and t1>=t1last and t1>=t0: 78 d.append( (t0, t1, a[2]) ) 79 t0last = t0 80 t1last = t1 81 else: 82 raise DataOutOfOrderError, '%s:%d' % (filename, n) 83 84 elif loose > 0: 85 loose -= 1 86 else: 87 raise BadFileFormatError, "Cannot parse line %s:%d" % (filename, n) 88 89 fd = None # This will close most files, except for sys.stdin 90 # which has probably some other reference keeping 91 # it open. 92 93 hdr[_COMTAG] = '\n'.join(comments) 94 hdr['_NAME'] = filename 95 hdr['_FILETYPE'] = 'wavesurfer' 96 hdr['NAXIS'] = 2 97 hdr['NAXIS2'] = len(d) 98 hdr['NAXIS1'] = 3 99 hdr['TTYPE1'] = 'start time' 100 hdr['TUNIT1'] = 's' 101 hdr['TTYPE2'] = 'end time' 102 hdr['TUNIT2'] = 's' 103 hdr['TTYPE3'] = 'label' 104 105 return (hdr, d)
106 107 108 from xwaves_lab import end_marks, start_stop 109 110
111 -def write(fd, header, data):
112 """Write label information to a file. 113 Note: Expects data in [(t0, t1, label), ...] form. 114 @param fd: where to write 115 @param header: header information. 116 @type header: dict 117 @type fd: file or file-like object 118 @param data: a listing of the segments to write to the file. 119 @type data: [(segment_start_time, segment_end_time, segment_label), ...] 120 """ 121 HUGE = 1e30 122 d = list(data) 123 d.sort() 124 125 fd.write('#wavesurfer_label_gpk\n') 126 if _COMTAG in header: 127 for x in header[_COMTAG].split('\n'): 128 fd.write('# %s\n' % x) 129 alist = header.items() 130 alist.sort() 131 for (a, v) in alist: 132 if a != _COMTAG: 133 fd.write('# %s = %s\n' % (a, v)) 134 fd.flush() 135 t0last = -HUGE 136 t1last = -HUGE 137 for (i, (t0, t1, mark)) in enumerate(data): 138 if t1 < t0 or t0<t0last or t1<t1last: 139 raise DataOutOfOrderError, 'data[%d]: (%s, %s, %s)' % (i, t0, t1, mark) 140 fd.write('%.5f %.5f %s\n' % (t0, t1, str(mark).strip())) 141 fd.flush()
142 143 144 if __name__ == '__main__': 145 hdr, data = read(sys.argv[1]) 146 for (t0, t1, lbl) in data: 147 print t0, t1, lbl 148