Package gmisclib :: Module tsops
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.tsops

  1  """Do mathematical operations on time series, where 
  2  the two operands don't necessarily have the same 
  3  sampling times.     It finds a common sampling time 
  4  and sampling interval, then interpolates as necessary 
  5  to bring the data onto the common time axis. 
  6  """ 
  8  import math 
  9  from gmisclib import Num 
 10  from gmisclib import Numeric_gpk as NG 
 11  import gpkimgclass 
14 -class axis:
15 """This class represents a time axis for a time series. 16 Indices of the underlying array are assumed to be zero-based. 17 """ 18
19 - def __init__(self, start=None, dt=None, n=None, end=None, crpix=0):
20 if start is not None and end is not None and n is not None: 21 self.crval = start 22 self.n = int(round(n)) 23 self.cdelt = (end-start)/float(n-1) 24 elif start is not None and n is not None and dt is not None: 25 self.crval = start 26 self.n = n 27 self.cdelt = dt 28 elif start is not None and dt is not None and end is not None: 29 self.crval = start 30 self.n = 1 + abs(int(math.floor((end-start)/dt))) 31 # print '# self.n = 1+round(', (end-start)/dt, ')=', self.n 32 if end > start: 33 self.cdelt = dt 34 else: 35 self.cdelt = -dt 36 else: 37 raise ValueError, "Either silly values or not implemented." 38 assert self.n >= 0, "Silly number of data" 39 self.crpix = crpix 40 # print 'info=', self.crval, 'at', self.crpix, 'dt=', self.cdelt, 'n=', self.n 41 assert round(self.index(self.start())) == 0, 'start fail: %s' % self 42 assert round(self.index(self.end())) == self.n-1, 'end fail: %s' % self
44 - def N(self):
45 return self.n
47 - def coord(self, index):
48 """What is the i^th coordinate if the i^th index==index? 49 More plainly, this function gives you the coordinate that 50 corresponds to the index.""" 51 assert self.n >= 0 52 return self.crval + (index-self.crpix) * self.cdelt
53 54
55 - def coords(self):
56 """Generate an array of all the time values.""" 57 assert self.n >= 0 58 index = Num.arrayrange(self.n) 59 return index*self.cdelt + (self.crval-self.crpix*self.cdelt)
60 61
62 - def index(self, t, limit=False, error=True):
63 assert self.n > 0 64 assert self.cdelt != 0 65 tmp = self.crpix + (t-self.crval)/self.cdelt 66 if limit: 67 rtmp = round(tmp) 68 if not ( rtmp >= 0 ): 69 tmp = 0.0 70 elif not (rtmp < self.n): 71 tmp = self.n - 1.0 72 elif error and not 0 <= round(tmp) < self.n: 73 raise IndexError, "coordinate out of range: %g->%.1f" % (t, tmp) 74 return tmp
75 76
77 - def indices(self, t, limit=False, error=True):
78 assert self.n > 0 79 assert self.cdelt != 0 80 tmp = self.crpix + (t-self.crval)/self.cdelt 81 if limit: 82 Num.maximum(tmp, 0.0, tmp) 83 Num.minimum(tmp, self.n-1, tmp) 84 elif error: 85 nbad = Num.sum(Num.less(tmp, -0.5)) + Num.sum(Num.greater(tmp,self.n-0.5)) 86 if nbad: 87 raise IndexError, "%d coordinates out of range" % nbad 88 return tmp
89 90
91 - def dt(self):
92 return self.cdelt
93 94
95 - def start(self):
96 return self.coord(0)
98 - def end(self):
99 return self.coord(self.n-1)
101 - def __str__(self):
102 return '<axis start=%g end=%g dt=%g n=%d>' % (self.start(), self.end(), 103 self.dt(), self.N() 104 )
105 __repr__ = __str__
106 107
108 -def time(datasets, start=None, end=None):
109 dts = 0.0 110 dtn = 0 111 for x in datasets: 112 tdt = x.dt() 113 dts += math.log(tdt) 114 dtn += 1 115 dt = math.exp(dts/dtn) 116 117 _s = [x.start() for x in datasets ] 118 if start is not None: 119 _s.append(start) 120 _start = max(_s) 121 _e = [x.end() for x in datasets] 122 if end is not None: 123 _e.append(end) 124 _end = min(_e) 125 126 n = int(math.floor( ( _end - _start ) / dt ) ) 127 if n < 0: 128 n = 0 129 return axis( start=_start, dt=dt, n=n )
130 131
132 -def time2(a, b):
133 dt = 0.5*( a.dt() + b.dt() ) 134 start = max(a.start(), b.start()) 135 end0 = min(a.end(), b.end()) 136 n = int(math.floor((end0-start)/dt)) 137 return axis(start=start, dt=dt, n=n)
138 139
140 -def _fill_interp_guts(a, t, fill, interpolator):
141 """Returns a Numeric array.""" 142 assert len(t.shape) == 1 143 if a.n[2] == 0: 144 # This case catches empty datasets. 145 return Num.zeros((t.shape[0], a.n[1]), Num.Float) + fill 146 noneedfill = Num.greater_equal(t, a.start()) * Num.less_equal(t, a.end()) 147 assert len(noneedfill.shape) == 1 148 # print 'nnf', noneedfill 149 nofillidx = Num.nonzero(noneedfill)[0] 150 # print 'nfi', nofillidx 151 if nofillidx.shape != t.shape: 152 # print 't.shape=', t.shape 153 ainofill = interpolator(a, Num.take(t, nofillidx, axis=0)) 154 # print 'ainf', ainofill 155 out = Num.zeros((t.shape[0], a.n[1]), Num.Float) + fill 156 # print 'out1=', out 157 Num.put(out, nofillidx, ainofill) 158 # print 'out2=', out 159 # print 'outshape=', out.shape 160 else: 161 out = interpolator(a, t) 162 # print 'Outshape=', out.shape 163 return out
164 165
166 -def test_fig():
167 print "TEST_FIG" 168 a = axis(start=2.0, dt=1.0, n=10) 169 a.n = (0, 1, 10) 170 t = Num.arrayrange(20) 171 fill = -1 172 ifcn = lambda a, b: 100 173 q = _fill_interp_guts(a, t, fill, ifcn) 174 print q 175 print q.shape
176 177
178 -def interp_fill(a, t, fill):
179 return _fill_interp_guts(a, t, fill, interp)
181 -def interpN_fill(a, t, fill):
182 return _fill_interp_guts(a, t, fill, interpN)
183 184 185
186 -def interp(a, t):
187 """Interpolate to a specified time axis. 188 This does a linear interpolation. 189 @param a: data to be interpolated (a time series) 190 @type a: gpkimgclass.gpk_img 191 @type t: an array of times. 192 @rtype: numpy array. 193 @return: data interpolated onto the specified time values. 194 """ 195 idx = a.t_index(t) 196 return NG.interp(a.d, idx)
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200 -def test_interp1():
201 x = Num.array([0, 1], Num.Float) 202 xx = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':1.0, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0}, x) 203 t = Num.array([0.0, 0.7, 0.99, 1.0], Num.Float) 204 q = interp(xx, t) 205 print q.shape, t.shape, x.shape, xx.d.shape 206 print q 207 assert q.shape[0] == t.shape[0] 208 assert len(q.shape) == len(xx.d.shape) 209 assert Num.sum(Num.absolute(q-[[0.0], [0.7], [0.99], [1.0]]))<1e-6 210 qq = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':1.0, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0}, q) 211 print 'qq.n', qq.n, xx.n 212 assert qq.n[1] == xx.n[1] and qq.n[2] == t.shape[0] 213 qn = interpN(xx, t) 214 print 'qn=', qn 215 assert Num.sum(Num.absolute(qn-[[0.0], [1.0], [1.0], [1.0]]))<1e-6
217 -def test_interp2():
218 x = Num.array([0, 1, 1.5], Num.Float) 219 xx = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':1.0, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0}, x) 220 t = Num.array([0.0, 0.7, 0.99, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0], Num.Float) 221 q = interp(xx, t) 222 assert Num.sum(Num.absolute(q-[[0.0], [0.7], [0.99], [1.0], [1.05], [1.5]]))<1e-6 223 qn = interp(xx, t) 224 assert Num.sum(Num.absolute(qn-[[0.0], [0.7], [0.99], [1.0], [1.05], [1.5]]))<1e-6
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227 -def test_interp3():
228 x = Num.array([[0, 100], [1, 101], [1.5, 101.5]], Num.Float) 229 xx = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':1.0, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0}, x) 230 t = Num.array([0.0, 0.7, 0.99, 1.0, 1.1, 2.0], Num.Float) 231 q = interp(xx, t) 232 print q 233 qq = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':1.0, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0}, q) 234 print 'qq.n', qq.n, xx.n 235 assert qq.n[1] == xx.n[1] and qq.n[2] == t.shape[0] 236 assert Num.sum(Num.absolute(q-[[0.0, 100.0], [0.7, 100.7], [0.99, 100.99], 237 [1.0, 101.0], [1.05, 101.05], [1.5, 101.5]]))<1e-6 238 qn = interp(xx, t) 239 assert Num.sum(Num.absolute(qn-[[0.0, 100.0], [0.7, 100.7], [0.99, 100.99], 240 [1.0, 101.0], [1.05, 101.05], [1.5, 101.5]]))<1e-6
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244 -def interpN(a, t):
245 """Interpolate to a specified time axis via 246 nearest-neighbor interpolation. 247 A is a gpkimgclass, and t is an array of times. 248 Returns a Numeric array, not a gpkimgclass. 249 """ 250 # print "interp.a=", a 251 # print "interp.t=", t 252 idx = a.t_index(t) 253 return NG.interpN(a.d, idx)
254 255 256
257 -def common(data_sets, start=None, end=None):
258 """Computes a common time axis for several datasets. 259 Linearly interpolate as needed. 260 The data sets need not be the same width, and need not have the 261 same sampling interval or a common starting time. 262 @param data_sets: this is a list of the data to be put on a common time axis. 263 @type data_sets: L{list}(L{gpkimgclass.gpk_img}) 264 @param start: this allows you to restrict the output data to a smaller region. 265 @param end: this allows you to restrict the output data to a smaller region. 266 @type start: L{float} or L{None} 267 @type end: L{float} or L{None} 268 @rtype: list(numpy.ndarray) where the first ndarray is 1-D and the rest are two dimensional. 269 @return: the time_axis (as a 1-D numpy array of time values), 270 followed by a 2-D numpy array for each of the input data sets. 271 """ 272 tt = time(data_sets, start=start, end=end) 273 t = tt.coords() 274 275 return [tt] + [ interp(x, t) for x in data_sets ]
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279 -def commonN(data_sets, start=None, end=None):
280 """Put several data sets on a common time axis. 281 Interpolate by choosing nearest neighbor. 282 """ 283 tt = time(data_sets, start=start, end=end) 284 t = tt.coords() 285 286 return [t] + [ interpN(x, t) for x in data_sets ]
287 288
289 -def mul(a, b, hdr_op=None):
290 tt = time((a, b)) 291 t = tt.coords() 292 # print "t=", t 293 ai = interp(a, t) 294 bi = interp(b, t) 295 # print "ai=", ai 296 # print "bi=", bi 297 c = ai * bi 298 # print "c=", c 299 300 if hdr_op is None: 301 h = {} 302 else: 303 h = hdr_op(a.hdr, b.hdr) 304 305 h['CDELT2'] = tt.dt() 306 h['CRVAL2'] = tt.start() 307 h['CRPIX2'] = 1 308 309 return gpkimgclass.gpk_img(h, c)
310 311 312
313 -def copy_interval(a, t0, t1, hdr_op=None, mode="rr"):
314 """This copies the part of the time-series in a 315 where t0 < t < t1. 316 'a' is a gpk_img object. 317 """ 318 319 if hdr_op is None: 320 h = a.hdr.copy() 321 else: 322 h = hdr_op(a.hdr, t0, t1) 323 i0 = a.t_index(t0) 324 i1 = a.t_index(t1) 325 if mode[0] == "r": 326 i0 = int(round(i0)) 327 elif mode[0] == "w": 328 i0 = int(math.floor(i0)) 329 elif mode[0] == "n": 330 i0 = int(math.ceil(i0)) 331 if mode[1] == "r": 332 i1 = int(round(i1)) 333 elif mode[1] == "w": 334 i1 = int(math.floor(i1)) 335 elif mode[1] == "n": 336 i1 = int(math.ceil(i1)) 337 338 d = Num.array(a.d[i0:i1,:], Num.Float, copy=True) 339 h['CRVAL2'] = a.time(i0) 340 h['CRPIX2'] = 1 341 return gpkimgclass.gpk_img(h, d)
342 343
344 -def apply(fcn, a, hdrfcn=lambda x:x):
345 """Apply a function, point-by-point to the data in a.""" 346 return gpkimgclass.gpk_img(hdrfcn(a.hdr), fcn(a.d))
347 348
349 -def resample(a, dt):
350 import samplerate 351 ratio = a.dt()/dt 352 d = samplerate.resample(a.d, ratio) 353 assert len(d.shape)==len(a.d.shape) 354 assert d.shape[1]==a.d.shape[1], "d.shape[0]: %d -> %d" % (a.d.shape[0], d.shape[0]) 355 assert abs(float(d.shape[0])/float(a.d.shape[0]) - ratio) < 0.1 356 h = a.hdr.copy() 357 h['CDELT2'] = dt 358 return gpkimgclass.gpk_img(h, d)
359 360
361 -def test():
362 a = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':1.0, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0.0}, 363 Num.arrayrange(10)) 364 b = gpkimgclass.gpk_img({'CDELT2':0.5, 'CRPIX2':1, 'CRVAL2':0.4}, 365 Num.arrayrange(10)*0.5+0.4) 366 # print 'a=', a.d 367 # print 'b=', b.d 368 # print 'b.time()', b.time() 369 ab = mul(a, b) 370 # print 'ab=', ab.d 371 # print 'ab.time()=', ab.time() 372 err = ab.d - Num.transpose([ab.time()])**2 373 # print 'err=', err 374 assert Num.sum(err**2) < 1e-5
375 376 377 378 if __name__ == '__main__': 379 test_interp1() 380 test_interp2() 381 test_interp3() 382 test() 383