Package gmisclib :: Module root
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.root

  2  """Solve a 1-dimensional equation to find the roots. 
  3  This does alternating secant and bisection steps. 
  4  It will work for any function, discontinuous or not. 
  5  For a nasty function, it might be a factor of 2 slower 
  6  than bisection, but for a nearly-linear function, 
  7  it can be much faster than bisection. 
  8  """ 
11 -def _root1(f, xl, xh, p, fl, fh, epsx, epsf):
12 # print "(%f, %f) -> (%f, %f)" % (xl, fl, xh, fh) 13 assert epsx > 0.0 14 assert epsf >= 0.0 15 assert xh > xl 16 assert (fh>0) != (fl>0) 17 if xh-xl <= epsx: 18 assert xl <= xh, "Not xl=%.15g <= xh=%.15g" % (xl, xh) 19 if fl-fh == 0.0: 20 tmp = xl + 0.5*(xh-xl) 21 else: 22 tmp = xl + (xl-xh)*fl/(fh-fl) # (xl*fh-xh*fl)/(fh-fl) 23 if not (xl < tmp < xh): 24 tmp = xl + 0.5*(xh-xl) 25 return tmp 26 elif abs(fl) <= epsf: 27 return xl 28 elif abs(fh) <= epsf: 29 return xh 30 31 assert xl < xh 32 q = [ (xl, fl), (xh, fh) ] 33 34 # Do a secant step... 35 assert (fh>0) != (fl>0) and fh!=fl 36 xsec = (xl*fh-xh*fl)/(fh-fl) 37 if xl < xsec < xh: 38 fsec = f(xsec, p) 39 if fsec == 0: 40 return xsec 41 assert fsec>0 or fsec<0 42 q.append( (xsec, fsec) ) 43 44 if (fsec>0) == (fl>0): 45 xbi = xsec + (xh-xsec)*0.5 46 else: 47 xbi = xsec + (xl-xsec)*0.5 48 else: 49 xbi = xl + 0.5*(xh - xl) 50 51 # ...followed by a bisection-like step. 52 53 assert xl <= xbi <= xh, "Not xl=%.15g <= xbi=%.15g <= xh=%.15g" % (xl, xbi, xh) 54 if xl < xbi < xh and xbi!=xsec: 55 fbi = f(xbi, p) 56 if fbi == 0: 57 return xbi 58 assert fbi>0 or fbi<0 59 q.append( (xbi, fbi) ) 60 61 if len(q) <= 2: # No progress is being made, presumably 62 # because xl and xh are neighbouring reals. 63 # print "RETURN no progress" 64 return 0.5*(xl+xh) 65 66 q.sort() 67 68 X = 0 69 F = 1 70 # Then, we see which interval contains the root, and focus the search on it. 71 for i in range(1, len(q)): 72 assert q[i][X] != q[i-1][X] 73 if (q[i][F]>0) != (q[i-1][F]>0): 74 return _root1(f, q[i-1][X], q[i][X], p, q[i-1][F], q[i][F], epsx, epsf) 75 raise RuntimeError, "Lost a root: %s" % repr(q)
76 77 78
79 -def root(f, xl, xh, p, epsx, epsf):
80 """Find a root of an equation. 81 @param f: is the function to solve, called as f(x, p). 82 @param p: is arbitrary data for f. 83 This function assumes there is known to be a root in [xl,xh] and that 84 f(xl,p) has a different sign from f(xh,p). 85 It finds it within a region of width epsx, or 86 at least finds an x such that -epsf < f(x, p) < epsf . 87 @return: a root in the interval 88 @rtype: float 89 """ 90 if xh < xl: 91 return None 92 fl = f(xl, p) 93 if fl == 0: 94 return xl 95 fh = f(xh, p) 96 if fh == 0: 97 return xh 98 if xh == xl: 99 return None 100 101 # print fl, fh 102 assert (fl>0) != (fh>0), "0 or an even number of roots in initial x-range." 103 return _root1(f, xl, xh, p, fl, fh, epsx, epsf)
104 105
106 -def _test1f(x, p):
107 return 100/int(round(x)) - 10
109 -def test():
110 q = root(_test1f, 1, 1000, None, 1e-6, 0.01) 111 assert _test1f(q, None) == 0 112 q = root(_test1f, 1, 16, None, 1e-6, 0.01) 113 assert _test1f(q, None) == 0
114 115
116 -def iroot(y, xl, xh, epsy=0.0):
117 """Find a zero in an array y. 118 This function assumes there is known to be a root in [xl,xh]. 119 It returns a real-number index into the array which 120 linearly interpolates to zero. 121 """ 122 import math 123 assert 0 <= xl < y.shape[0] 124 assert 0 <= xh < y.shape[0] 125 126 def interp(x, y): 127 xi = math.floor(x) 128 frac = x - xi 129 i = int(xi) 130 if frac > 0: 131 return y[i] + (y[i+1]-y[i])*frac 132 return y[i]
133 134 return root(interp, xl, xh, y, 0.001, epsy) 135 136
137 -def testi():
138 import Num 139 y = 0.64234*(Num.arange(100) - 32.234) 140 assert abs(iroot(y, 10, 50) - 32.234) < 0.002
141 142 if __name__ == '__main__': 143 test() 144 testi() 145