Package gmisclib :: Module parse_tree_number :: Class Expression
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Class Expression

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Instance Methods
__init__(self, value)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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__iadd__(self, other) source code
__isub__(self, other) source code
__imul__(self, other) source code
__idiv__(self, other) source code
eval(self, env={})
This returns an Expression.
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variables(self, env={})
Any definitions in env are used to resolve otherwise undefined names.
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indices(self, variable, env={}) source code
__str__(self, env={})
Env is optional.
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__repr__(self, env={})
Env is optional.
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debug(self) source code
__float__(self) source code
priority(self) source code
__abs__(self) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__add__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__div__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__mul__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__neg__(self) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__pos__(self) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__pow__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__radd__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__rdiv__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__rmul__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__rpow__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__rsub__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__rtruediv__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__sub__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code
__truediv__(self, other) (Inherited from gmisclib.parse_tree_number.abstract_number) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, value)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

eval(self, env={})

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This returns an Expression.

Overrides: output_mixin.eval
(inherited documentation)

variables(self, env={})

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Any definitions in env are used to resolve otherwise undefined names. This returns a Set containing all undefined variable names.

Overrides: output_mixin.variables
(inherited documentation)

indices(self, variable, env={})

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Overrides: output_mixin.indices

__str__(self, env={})
(Informal representation operator)

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Env is optional. Anything defined in env is used to resolve references, but the outcome may still contain undefined variables, which are printed as names.

Overrides: object.__str__
(inherited documentation)

__repr__(self, env={})
(Representation operator)

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Env is optional. Anything defined in env is used to resolve references, but the outcome may still contain undefined variables, which are printed as names.

Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: output_mixin.debug