Package gmisclib :: Module ortho_poly
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.ortho_poly

  1  import math 
  2  import numpy 
  3  from gmisclib import die 
  6  """Implements a set of orthonormal polynomials, based on a recurrence relation 
  7  on the order of the polynomial.    Each particular type of polynomial just 
  8  needs to specify that recurrence relation. 
  9  """ 
12 -def _orthogonalize(x, others, wt):
13 """Makes x orthonormal to all others. 14 Others are assumed to be orthonormal to eachother.""" 15 against = others[:] 16 against.reverse() 17 ipass = 0 18 x = numpy.array(x, numpy.float, copy=True) 19 n = x.shape[0] 20 while ipass <= 2: 21 ipass += 1 22 do_all_again = False 23 do_again = [] 24 renorm = True 25 for t in against: 26 if renorm > 0: 27 numpy.multiply(x, 1.0/math.sqrt(numpy.average( wt * x**2)), x) 28 renorm = False 29 d = numpy.average( x * wt * t) 30 # print 'i=', i, 'd=', d 31 if abs(d) >= 1e-6: 32 do_again.append(t) 33 renorm = True 34 35 if abs(d) > 0.1*n: 36 do_all_again = True 37 if ipass > 1 : 38 die.note('x', x) 39 die.note('t', t) 40 die.note('wt', wt) 41 die.note('d', d) 42 die.warn('Poor orthogality') 43 raise RuntimeError, "Poor orthogonality: %d %g %d/%d" % (len(wt), d, ipass, len(others)) 44 assert x.shape == t.shape 45 # assert type(d) == type(0.1) 46 numpy.subtract(x, t*d, x) 47 48 if do_all_again: 49 against = others 50 elif do_again: 51 against = do_again 52 else: 53 break 54 if ipass > 2: 55 raise RuntimeError, "Can't orthogonalize" 56 return x * (1.0/math.sqrt(numpy.average(wt*x**2)))
57 58
59 -class ortho:
60 registry = {} 61
62 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
63 """Argument n is how many points you want the polynomials evaluated at. 64 The ordinates of the points are placed in self.x. 65 You may alternatively specify the points as argument x, in which case 66 the x_() function will never be called.""" 67 if x is not None: 68 lx = len(x) 69 if not lx > 0: 70 raise ValueError, "Need len(x)>0" 71 if n is not None: 72 assert int(n) == len(x), "X and N mismatch: %d vs %s" % (len(x), n) 73 self.x = numpy.array(x, numpy.float, copy=True) 74 elif n is not None: 75 n = int(n) 76 if not n>0: 77 raise ValueError, "Need n>0" 78 self.x = self.x_(n) 79 else: 80 raise RuntimeError, "Need to specify either x or n." 81 82 self.o = [] 83 self._wt = None 84 self._numwt = None
85 86
87 - def wt(self):
88 """Weighting function to get orthonormality. 89 This sets self._numwt.""" 90 if self._wt is None: 91 self._wt = self.wt_() 92 self._numwt = numpy.sum( self._wt > 0.0 ) 93 if not numpy.alltrue( self._wt >= 0.0 ): 94 raise ValueError, 'Weights must be non-negative.' 95 if not self._numwt > 0: 96 raise ValueError, 'Need some positive weights.' 97 # Again, it might make sense to return a copy, as _wt gets used 98 # internally after being passed out... 99 return self._wt
100 101
102 - def x_(self, m):
103 """Calculates the points at which the function is evaluated, 104 if you want m evenly spaced points. 105 By default, the function is assumed to 106 range over the open interval (-1, 1). 107 You can override this function in a subclass 108 to get a different range.""" 109 return (numpy.arange(m)-0.5*(m-1))*(2.0/m)
110 111
112 - def P(self, i):
113 """Self.P(i) is the ith orthogonal polynomial. 114 The result is normalized so that 115 numpy.sum(self.wt() * self.P(i)**2) == 1. 116 It returns an un-shared array, so the array can be 117 modified without affecting future calls to P(i). 118 """ 119 assert i>=0 120 if i<len(self.o): 121 return numpy.array(self.o[i], copy=True) 122 wt = self.wt() # Sets self._numwt 123 if i >= self._numwt: 124 raise ValueError, 'Request for higher order polynomial than the number of positive weight points.' 125 while i >= len(self.o): 126 self.o.append(_orthogonalize(self.compute(len(self.o)), self.o, wt)) 127 # We return a copy, because it is possible that the user 128 # might modify the data. If so, it would screw up the orthogalization 129 # step for higher polynomials. Copy-on-write would be nice. 130 return numpy.array(self.o[-1], numpy.float, copy=True)
131 132
133 - def expand(self, c):
134 o = numpy.zeros(self.x.shape, numpy.float) 135 for (i, ci) in enumerate(c): 136 tmp = self.P(i) 137 numpy.multiply(tmp, ci, tmp) 138 numpy.add(o, tmp, o) 139 return o
141 - def compute(self, n):
142 raise RuntimeError, 'Virtual Function'
143 144
145 - def wt_(self):
146 raise RuntimeError, "Virtual Function"
147 148
149 -class ortho_poly(ortho):
150 __doc__ = """Virtual base class. 151 This is a superclass of all orthorgonal polynomials. 152 This does the recurrence [Abramowitz and Stegun p.782], 153 and ensures that the generated polynomials are all 154 orthonormal to each other. 155 The derived classed need to specify two functions: 156 recurse() and wt_(). 157 Recurse() is the recursion relation from P(i) and P(i-1) 158 to P(i+1), and 159 wt_() is the weighting function for the polynomial. 160 Wt_() is needed to check orthogonality, and really 161 defines the polynomial. 162 These polynomials are guarenteed to be 163 orthogonal to eachother when summed over the 164 supplied set of x points. Thus, if you change 165 x_() or wt_(), you get a different set of functions.""" 166 167
168 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
169 ortho.__init__(self, n, x)
170 171
172 - def P(self, i):
173 """Self.P(i) is the ith orthogonal polynomial. 174 The result is normalized so that 175 numpy.sum(self.P(i)**2) == 1. """ 176 177 assert i>=0 178 if i<len(self.o): 179 return numpy.array(self.o[i], copy=True) 180 wt = self.wt() # Sets self._numwt 181 if i >= self._numwt: 182 raise ValueError, 'Request for higher order polynomial than the number of positive weight points.' 183 while i>=len(self.o): 184 if len(self.o)>1: 185 m2 = self.o[-2] 186 else: 187 m2 = None 188 if len(self.o)>0: 189 m1 = self.o[-1] 190 else: 191 m1 = None 192 193 tmp = self.recurse(len(self.o), m1, m2) 194 self.o.append(_orthogonalize(tmp, self.o, wt)) 195 # We return a copy, because it is possible that the user 196 # might modify the data. If so, it would screw up the orthogalization 197 # step for higher polynomials. Copy-on-write would be nice. 198 return numpy.array(self.o[-1], numpy.float, copy=True)
199 200
201 - def recurse(self, n, fn, fnm1):
202 """Does the recurrence relation, evaluating f_(n+1) as a function 203 of n, f_n, and f_(n-1). For n=0 and n=1, fn and fnm1 may be None.""" 204 raise RuntimeError, "Virtual function"
206 - def compute(self, n):
207 raise RuntimeError, "Compute is not needed and should not be used for subclasses of ortho_poly."
208 209
210 -class Legendre(ortho_poly):
211 __doc__ = """Legendre polynomials, 212 orthonormal over (-1, 1) with weight 1. 213 Called Pn(x) in Abramowitz and Stegun. 214 """ 215 216 name = 'Legendre' 217
218 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
219 ortho_poly.__init__(self, n, x)
220 221
222 - def recurse(self, n, fn, fnm1):
223 if fn is None: 224 assert n == 0 225 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float) 226 if fnm1 is None: 227 assert n == 1 228 return numpy.array(self.x, numpy.float, copy=True) 229 # tmp1 = (2*n-1)/float(n) 230 # tmp2 = (n-1)/float(n) 231 # return tmp1*self.x*fn - tmp2*fnm1 232 return self.x*fn - 0.08*fnm1
233 234 235
236 - def wt_(self):
237 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float)
238 239 ortho.registry[] = Legendre 240 241
242 -class Chebyshev(ortho_poly):
243 __doc__ = """Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, 244 orthonormal over (-1, 1) with weight (1-x^2)^(-1/2). 245 These are the equi-ripple polynomials. 246 Called Tn(x) in Abramowitz and Stegun. 247 """ 248 249 name = 'Chebyshev' 250
251 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
252 ortho_poly.__init__(self, n, x)
253 254
255 - def recurse(self, n, fn, fnm1):
256 if fn is None: 257 assert n == 0 258 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float) 259 if fnm1 is None: 260 assert n == 1 261 return numpy.array(self.x, numpy.float, copy=True) 262 # return 2*self.x*fn - fnm1 263 return self.x*fn - 0.052*fnm1
264 265
266 - def wt_(self):
267 return numpy.sqrt(1/(1.0-self.x**2))
268 269 ortho.registry[] = Chebyshev 270 271
272 -class Chebyshev2(ortho_poly):
273 __doc__ = """Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind, 274 orthonormal over (-1, 1) with weight (1-x^2)^(1/2). 275 Called Un(x) in Abramowitz and Stegun. 276 """ 277 278 name = 'Chebyshev2' 279
280 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
281 ortho_poly.__init__(self, n, x)
282 283
284 - def recurse(self, n, fn, fnm1):
285 if fn is None: 286 assert n == 0 287 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float) 288 if fnm1 is None: 289 assert n == 1 290 return 2*self.x 291 # return 2*self.x*fn - fnm1 292 return self.x*fn - 0.445*fnm1
293 294
295 - def wt_(self):
296 return numpy.sqrt(1.0-self.x**2)
297 298 ortho.registry[] = Chebyshev2 299 300
301 -class SinCos(ortho):
302 __doc__ = """1, sin(pi*x), cos(pi*x), sin(2*pi*x), cos(2*pi*x)... 303 orthonormal over (-1, 1) with weight 1.""" 304 305 name = 'SinCos' 306
307 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None):
308 ortho.__init__(self, n, x)
309 310
311 - def compute(self, n):
312 # print 'SinCos.recurse', n 313 if n == 0: 314 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float) 315 elif n%2 == 1: 316 return numpy.sin((math.pi*(n+1)/2) * self.x) 317 return numpy.cos((math.pi*(n/2))*self.x)
318 319
320 - def wt_(self):
321 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float)
322 323 ortho.registry[] = SinCos 324 325 326 327 328
329 -class SLTB(ortho):
330 __doc__ = """Smooth Local Trigonometric Basis. 331 From Bj\:orn Jawerth, Yi Liu, Wim Sweldens, 332 "Signal Compression with Smooth Local Basis Functions". 333 """ 334 335 name = 'SLTB' 336
337 - def __init__(self, n=None, x=None, eps=0.5):
338 assert eps <= 0.5 and eps>0.0 339 self.eps = eps 340 ortho.__init__(self, n, x)
341 342
343 - def compute(self, n):
344 omega = (2*n+1)*math.pi/2.0 345 s = numpy.sin(omega * self.x) 346 return s * self.b(self.x)
347 348
349 - def r(self, x):
350 """This must have l**2+r**2==1""" 351 x = numpy.clip(x, -self.eps, self.eps) 352 s = numpy.sin(x * math.pi/(2.0*self.eps)) 353 r = 1 + s 354 l = 1 - s 355 return r/numpy.hypot(r, l)
356 357
358 - def b(self, x):
359 # print 'x=', x 360 # print 'b=', self.l(x)*self.l(1.0-x) 361 return self.r(x) * self.r(1.0-x)
362 363
364 - def wt_(self):
365 return numpy.ones(self.x.shape, numpy.float)
366 367
368 - def x_(self, m):
369 """Calculates the points at which the function is evaluated, 370 if you want m evenly spaced points. 371 The function is assumed to 372 range over the open interval (-eps, 1+eps). 373 You can override this function in a subclass 374 to get a different range.""" 375 return (0.5+numpy.arange(m))*((1+2*self.eps)/m) - self.eps
376 377
378 - def test():
379 M = 20 380 N = 3*M 381 x = (numpy.arange(N)+0.5)/float(N) * 3.0 - 0.5 382 q = SLTB(x=x) 383 for i in range(M//3): 384 for j in range(M//3): 385 a = q.P(i) 386 b = q.P(j) 387 # print[:-M], b[M:]) 388 assert abs([:-M], b[M:])) < 0.001
389 390 test = staticmethod(test)
391 392 ortho.registry[] = SLTB 393 394 395
396 -def test_a_name(name):
397 N = 96 398 q = F(name, N) 399 for i in range(N//2): 400 for j in range(10): 401 dot = numpy.sum(q.P(i)*q.P(j)*q.wt()) 402 # print 'p(i=', i, ')', q.P(i) 403 # print 'p(j=', j, ')', q.P(j) 404 if i != j: 405 assert abs(dot) < 0.001 406 else: 407 assert abs(dot - N) < 0.001*N 408 409 if hasattr(q, 'test'): 410 q.test()
411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421
422 -def F(name, n=None, x=None):
423 """This is a factory function. Get any kind of ortho poly 424 you want, as selected by the first argument.""" 425 426 try: 427 return ortho.registry[name](n, x) 428 except KeyError: 429 raise RuntimeError, "Unimplemented orthogonal function name: %s" % name
430 431
432 -def test():
433 for name in ortho.registry.keys(): 434 test_a_name(name)
435 436 437 if __name__ == '__main__': 438 test() 439 # q = F('SLTB', n=100) 440 # for i in range(100): 441 # print i, q.P(0)[i] 442