Package gmisclib :: Module nbest
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.nbest

  1  """Beam search through a graph.""" 
3 -class node:
4 __doc__ = """This is a node of a graph, it includes links to other nodes.""" 5
6 - def __init__(self, cost=0.0, label=None, terminal=0, comment=None):
7 """Create a node, with a specified cost (used in the beam search), 8 and a label (arbitrary information). 9 Terminal nodes are marked, and terminate the search.""" 10 11 self.terminal = terminal 12 self.out = [] 13 self.cost = cost 14 self.label = label 15 self.comment = comment
17 - def add(self, nextnode, cost=0.0, label=None):
18 """Add a link from self to nextnode. 19 Links can have a cost and label, too.""" 20 self.out.append( (nextnode, cost, label) ) 21 return nextnode
22 23
24 - def __str__(self):
25 return "<node term=%d label=%s nout=%d cost=%f>" % (self.terminal, str(self.label), 26 len(self.out), self.cost)
27 28 __repr__ = __str__
29 30 31 32
33 -class _l_list:
34 __doc__ = """Linked list.""" 35
36 - def __init__(self, contents, link):
37 = link 38 self.contents = contents
40 - def walk(self):
41 o = [self.contents] 42 while is not None: 43 self = 44 o.append(self.contents) 45 return o
47 - def rwalk(self):
48 o = self.walk() 49 o.reverse() 50 return o
51 52 53
54 -def go(graph, nbeam, cbeam):
55 """Search the graph for the lowest cost routes. 56 Returns [ (cost, route), ...] where cost is the cost of a route, 57 and route is [node, node, node, ...] the list of nodes on the route. 58 Routes are sorted in order of increasing cost. 59 """ 60 61 assert isinstance(graph, node), "Non-node starts graph: %s" % str(graph) 62 # current = [ (0.0, graph, [graph]) ] 63 current = [ (0.0, graph, _l_list(graph, None)) ] 64 terminate = [ ] 65 66 while 1: 67 nextstep = [] 68 for (cost, anode, path) in current: 69 assert isinstance(anode, node), "Non-node in graph: %s" % str(anode) 70 for (nnode, c, ll) in anode.out: 71 # print anode, "->", nnode 72 newcost = cost + nnode.cost + c 73 newpath = _l_list(nnode, path) 74 # newpath = path + [nnode] 75 if nnode.terminal: 76 terminate.append( ( newcost, newpath) ) 77 else: 78 nextstep.append( (newcost, nnode, newpath) ) 79 if len(nextstep) == 0: 80 break 81 nextstep.sort() 82 if len(nextstep) > nbeam: 83 nextstep = nextstep[:nbeam] 84 costlimit = nextstep[0][0] + cbeam 85 i = 0 86 while i < len(nextstep): 87 if nextstep[i][0] > costlimit: 88 break 89 i += 1 90 current = nextstep[:i] 91 terminate.sort() 92 if len(terminate) > nbeam: 93 terminate = terminate[:nbeam] 94 costlimit = terminate[0][0] + cbeam 95 o = [] 96 for (cost, path) in terminate: 97 if cost > costlimit: 98 break 99 o.append( (cost, path.rwalk() ) ) 100 return o
101 102 103
104 -def test():
105 graph = node(0.0, "A") 106 graph.add(node(0.0, "B")).add(node(0.1, "C")).add(node(0.2, "D")).add(node(-0.3, terminal=1, label="E")) 107 graph.add(node(1.0, "a")).add(node(1, "b")).add(node(2, terminal=1, label="c")) 108 graph.add(node(0.0, label="q", terminal=1), 1.0, label="edge") 109 print go(graph, 100, 1000.0)
110 111 112 if __name__ == '__main__': 113 test() 114