Package gmisclib :: Module mcmc_restart
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Module mcmc_restart

source code

setup(pd_factory, arglist, uid='UID', psn_factory=<class 'gmisclib.mcmc.position_repeatable'>, adjust_prms=None)
This and prepares to restart a optimization from a log file.
source code
  HUGE = 1e+38
  __package__ = 'gmisclib'

Imports: cPickle, die, mcmc, IC, LGI

Function Details

setup(pd_factory, arglist, uid='UID', psn_factory=<class 'gmisclib.mcmc.position_repeatable'>, adjust_prms=None)

source code 

This and prepares to restart a optimization from a log file.

  • arglist (list(str)) - the list of arguments to the optimization routine (i.e. the linux command line).
  • adjust_prms (None or function(mcmc_indexclass.index_base, mcmc.problem_definition, mcmc_indexclass.index) -> mcmc_indexclass.index_base. The parameters go into the first argument. The definition of the new problem is the second argument. The third argument is a random indexer for the new problem. (This is provided mostly so you can conveniently find out what parameters are expected.)) - a function to make arbitrary changes to the parameters before you restart.
  • This assumes that an optimization does not require any fixed parameters.
  • Don't mix -restart and -Restart.
  • The -Restart flag will be treated as -restart if you attempt to adjust parameters.