Package gmisclib :: Module g_pylab
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.g_pylab

  1  """This class works in concert with bin/ 
  2  to allow you to display simple pylab/matplotlib graphics 
  3  on another machine.   It's most useful if you need to do 
  4  plots from a machine where pylab isn't or cannot be installed. 
  5  """ 
  7  import os as _os 
11 -class _ProtocolError(Exception):
12 - def __init__(self, *s):
13 Exception.__init__(self, *s)
15 -class _BadPrefixError(_ProtocolError):
16 - def __init__(self, *s):
17 ProtocolError.__init__(self, *s)
19 -class _SocketClosed(_ProtocolError):
20 - def __init__(self, *s):
21 _ProtocolError.__init__(self, *s)
22 23
24 -class _pylab_client(object):
25 import socket as _s 26 import codecs as _c 27 import random as _r 28 import cPickle as _p 29 import md5 as _m 30 31 ID = 'pylab_server' 32 KEY = 'alfaljflajljljslfajsljalsfjalsqowrq nfnqn qkfqle' 33 PP = 0 34
35 - def wclose(self):
36 self.flush() 37 self.sock.close()
38 39
40 - def flush(self):
41 if self.out: 42 # print 'SENDING', self.out 43 self.sock.sendall( ''.join(self.out) ) 44 self.out = []
45 46
47 - def send(self, prefix, s):
48 self.out.append( '%s %s\n' % (prefix, self.tohex(s)[0]) ) 49 # print 'out <= ', self.out[-1], len(self.out) 50 self.thash.update(s) 51 if len(s) > 1000: 52 self.flush()
53 54
55 - def __init__(self, host, port):
56 self.fromhex = self._c.getdecoder('hex_codec') 57 self.tohex = self._c.getencoder('hex_codec') 58 self.thash = 59 self.rhash = 60 self.thash.update(self.KEY + '1') 61 self.rhash.update(self.KEY + '2') 62 self.out = [] 63 self.rqno = None 64 self.rfile = None 65, port)
66 67
68 - def call(self, fnname, args, argdict):
69 self.xmit_call(fnname, args, argdict) 70 return self.recv()
71 72
73 - def xmit_call(self, fnname, args, argdict):
74 self.send('I', self.ID) 75 self.rqno = self._r.getrandbits(31) 76 self.send('R', '%d' % self.rqno) 77 self.send('O', 'call') 78 self.send('F', fnname) 79 self.send('A', self._p.dumps(args, self.PP) ) 80 self.send('B', self._p.dumps(argdict, self.PP) ) 81 self.send('H', self.thash.hexdigest() ) 82 self.send('E', 'END') 83 self.flush()
84 85
86 - def special(self, op):
87 self.xmit_special(op) 88 return self.recv()
89 90
91 - def xmit_special(self, op):
92 self.send('I', self.ID) 93 self.rqno = self._r.getrandbits(31) 94 self.send('R', '%d' % self.rqno) 95 self.send('O', op) 96 self.send('H', self.thash.hexdigest() ) 97 self.send('E', 'END') 98 self.flush()
99 100
101 - def get(self, prefix):
102 tmp = self.rfile.readline() 103 if tmp == '': 104 raise _SocketClosed 105 x = self.fromhex(tmp[1:].strip())[0] 106 if tmp[0] == 'Z': 107 raise _ProtocolError, 'Remote: %s' % x 108 if tmp[0] != prefix: 109 raise _BadPrefixError, 'Expected %s, got %s' % (prefix, tmp[0]) 110 self.rhash.update(x) 111 return x
112 113
114 - def recv(self):
115 if self.get('i') != self.ID: 116 raise _ProtocolError, 'ID mismatch' 117 if int(self.get('r')) != self.rqno: 118 raise _ProtocolError, 'Bad rqno.' 119 code = self.get('c') 120 v = self.get('v') 121 localhash = self.rhash.hexdigest() 122 if localhash != self.get('h'): 123 raise _ProtocolError, 'Bad authentication' 124 if self.get('e') != 'END': 125 raise _ProtocolError, 'No end' 126 127 rv = self._p.loads( v ) 128 129 if code == 'Exception': 130 function, argt, argd, x = rv 131 raise Exception(x, function, argt, argd) 132 elif code == 'AttributeError': 133 raise AttributeError, rv 134 return rv
135 136
137 - def open(self, host, port):
138 """Connect to a host. 139 Don't try to reopen an already connected instance. 140 """ 141 self.eof = 0 142 = host 143 self.port = port 144 msg = "getaddrinfo returns an empty list" 145 for res in self._s.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, self._s.SOCK_STREAM): 146 af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res 147 try: 148 self.sock = self._s.socket(af, socktype, proto) 149 self.sock.connect(sa) 150 except self._s.error, msg: 151 if self.sock: 152 self.sock.close() 153 self.sock = None 154 continue 155 break 156 if not self.sock: 157 raise self._s.error, '%s on (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)' % (msg, 158 af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa) 159 self.rfile = self.sock.makefile('rb', -1)
160 161
162 - def close(self):
163 if self.sock: 164 # self.special('exit') 165 self.sock.close() 166 self.sock = None
167 168
169 - def __del__(self):
170 self.close()
172 -def _testX():
173 c = _pylab_client(_Host, _Port) 174 print c.special('list')[:10] 175 print'plot', ([1,2,3,4], [1,2,4,1]), {}) 176 print'show', (), {}) 177 c.close()
178 179 180 181 if 'PYLABDISP' in _os.environ: 182 Host, Port = _os.environ.get('PYLABDISP', 'localhost:8125').split(':') 183 _client = _pylab_client(Host, Port) 184 _list = _client.special('list') 185 for (_nm, _c) in _list: 186 if _c: 187 exec("def %s(*a, **b):'%s', a, b)" % (_nm, _nm)) 188 else: 189 from pylab import * 190 191 if __name__ == '__main__': 192 plot([1,2,3,4], [1,2,4,1]) 193 show() 194