Package gmisclib :: Module g_lin_fit
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.g_lin_fit

  1  """Generic linear best fits.""" 
  3  import types 
  4  from gmisclib import Num 
7 -def fit(idata, fitting_fcns, ff_info=None, wt=None):
8 """Fits data to a linear combination of fitting_fcns. 9 @rtype: tuple 10 @return: The returned value is a tuple of: 11 the coefficients of the optimal solution (as an array), 12 the residual (a single float number), 13 the rank of the fit (int), 14 an array of the singular values, 15 and the best fit to the data. 16 The returned value follows Num.LA.linear_least_squares(), 17 except that residual is always calculated and is a scalar. 18 @type idata: an array of (vector, info). 19 @type fitting_fcns: an array of functions. 20 @param fitting_fcns: the basis functions for the linear regression. 21 The fitting functions return vectors (which must match the data). 22 Fitting functions are called as f(info, ff_info, len(vector)). 23 Vectors may have different lengths, as long as the 24 corresponding data and fit vectors agree. 25 """ 26 27 nd = len(idata) 28 assert wt is None or len(wt) == nd 29 w = [None] * nd 30 31 # We concatenate the data vectors to do one big fit all at once. 32 # d_idx keeps track of where each vector starts and ends. 33 d_idx = Num.zeros((nd+1,), Num.Int) 34 nd_total = 0 35 for i in range(nd): 36 assert len(idata[i]) == 2 37 assert type(idata[i]) == types.TupleType 38 d_idx[i] = nd_total # Where does that dataset start? 39 nd_total = nd_total + len(idata[i][0]) 40 d_idx[nd] = nd_total 41 42 # Build the data array: 43 data = Num.zeros((nd_total,), Num.Float) 44 for i in range(nd): 45 if wt is None: 46 w[i] = Num.ones((len(idata[i][0]),), Num.Float) 47 else: 48 assert len(wt[i]) == len(idata[i][0]) 49 w[i] = Num.asarray(wt[i], Num.Float) 50 assert len(idata[i][0]) == d_idx[i+1]-d_idx[i] 51 data[d_idx[i] : d_idx[i+1]] = Num.asarray(idata[i][0], 52 Num.Float) * w[i] 53 54 # Build the array of basis functions: 55 nff = len(fitting_fcns) 56 base = Num.zeros((nd_total, nff), Num.Float) 57 for i in range(nd): 58 for j in range(nff): 59 ff = fitting_fcns[j] 60 zfit = Num.asarray(ff(idata[i][1], ff_info, d_idx[i+1]-d_idx[i]), 61 Num.Float) 62 assert len(zfit.shape)==1 63 assert zfit.shape[0] == d_idx[i+1]-d_idx[i] 64 base[d_idx[i]:d_idx[i+1], j] = zfit * w[i] 65 66 rcond = 1e-5 67 x, resid, rank, s = Num.LA.linear_least_squares(base, data, rcond) 68 bfit = Num.matrixmultiply(base, x) 69 resid = Num.sum(Num.square(bfit-data).ravel()) 70 71 bestfit = [] 72 # Chop the fit array back up to match the input vectors: 73 for i in range(nd): 74 bestfit.append(bfit[d_idx[i]:d_idx[i+1]]/w[i]) 75 76 return x, resid, rank, s, bestfit
77 78 79 80 81 82 83
84 -def test():
85 test1() 86 test2() 87 test3() 88 test4() 89 test5() 90 test6()
92 -def test1():
93 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit([([0,1,2,3,4,5], None)], [lambda di, fi, l: range(l)], None) 94 assert abs(x[0]-1)<0.0001 95 assert resid < 0.001 96 assert rank == 1
98 -def test2():
99 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit([([0,1,2,3], None), ([0,1,2,3,4], None)], [lambda di, fi, l: range(l)], None) 100 assert abs(x[0]-1)<0.0001 101 assert resid < 0.001 102 assert rank == 1
104 -def test3():
105 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit([([0,1,2,3], None), ([0,2,4,6], None)], [lambda di, fi, l: range(l)]) 106 assert abs(x[0]-1.5)<0.0001 107 assert rank == 1 108 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit([([0,1,2,3], None), ([0,2,4,6], None)], [lambda di, fi, l: range(l)], wt=[[1,1,1,1],[1e-10,1e-10,1e-10,1e-10]]) 109 assert abs(x[0]-1)<0.0001 110 assert rank == 1
112 -def test4():
113 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit([([0,1,2,3], None), ([1,2,3,4], None)], [lambda di, fi, l: range(l), lambda di, fi, l: [1]*l], None) 114 assert abs(x[0]-1)<0.0001 115 assert abs(x[1]-0.5)<0.0001 116 assert rank == 2
118 -def test5():
119 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit([([1,2,3,4], None)], [lambda di, fi, l: range(l), lambda di, fi, l: [1]*l]) 120 assert abs(x[0]-1)<0.0001 121 assert abs(x[1]-1)<0.0001 122 assert resid < 0.001 123 assert rank == 2 124 assert abs(f[0][0]-1)<0.001 125 assert abs(f[0][1]-2)<0.001
127 -def test6():
128 x, resid, rank, s, f = fit( 129 [([1,2,3,4], None)], 130 [lambda di, fi, l: range(l), lambda di, fi, l: [1]*l], 131 wt=[[5,2,3,1e-10]] 132 ) 133 assert abs(x[0]-1)<0.0001 134 assert abs(x[1]-1)<0.0001 135 assert resid < 0.001 136 assert rank == 2
137 138 139 140 141 142 if __name__ == '__main__' : 143 test() 144 print "OK: passed tests" 145