Package gmisclib :: Module g_ds9 :: Class ds9
[frames] | no frames]

Class ds9

source code

Instance Methods
__init__(self, ds9start=None)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
source code
load(self, fn) source code
get_current_fname(self) source code
get_frames(self) source code
frame_cmd(self, *cmds)
A catch-all command for anything that's not otherwise implemented.
source code
del_frames(self, framelist)
Note: deleting all the frames crashes ds9.
source code
select_frame(self, i)
Select a frame on the attached ds9 image display.
source code
get_regions_iter(self) source code
get_regions(self) source code
delete_all_regions(self) source code
delete_region_group(self, *group) source code
add_region(self, *region)
Add a list of regions to the current frame.
source code
region_cmd(self, *cmds)
A catch-all command for anything that's not otherwise implemented.
source code
zoom(self, z) source code
scale_cmd(self, *cmds)
A catch-all command for anything that's not otherwise implemented.
source code
cmap_cmd(self, *cmds)
A catch-all command for anything that's not otherwise implemented.
source code
set_mode(self, m) source code
pan_to(self, x, y, coordsys) source code
plot(self, name, xylist, title='', xlabel='', ylabel='', format='(x,y)', line='solid', color='black', symbol=None) source code
close_plot(self, name) source code
list_plots(self) source code
comment(self, s) source code
flush(self) source code
__del__(self) (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io) source code
close(self) (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io) source code
getall(self, *args) (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io) source code
getiter(self, *args) (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io) source code
getlast(self, *args) (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io) source code
set(self, *args) (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io) source code
set_with_input(self, input, *args)
Run the xpaset command and feed it data on its standard input. (Inherited from gmisclib.g_ds9.ds9_io)
source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  plotname_ok = re.compile(r'[a-z][a-zA-Z_]*')

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, ds9start=None)

source code 

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

select_frame(self, i)

source code 

Select a frame on the attached ds9 image display. The frame will be created if it didn't already exist.

  • i (int) - Which frame? Apparently, any integer is OK, even negative.

add_region(self, *region)

source code 

Add a list of regions to the current frame.

  • region ([ region ], where region is normally an instance of Region, but can be anything that produces a string suitable for ds9. See - one or more regions.

region_cmd(self, *cmds)

source code 

A catch-all command for anything that's not otherwise implemented. This does xpaset -p, so you cannot use it for region definitions that need multi-line input via set_with_input.