Package gmisclib :: Module ftest
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.ftest

  1  # Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Gary Strangman; All Rights Reserved. 
  2  # 
  3  # This software is distributable under the terms of the GNU 
  4  # General Public License (GPL) v2, the text of which can be found at 
  5  # Installing, importing or otherwise 
  6  # using this module constitutes acceptance of the terms of this License. 
  7  # 
  8  # Disclaimer 
  9  #  
 10  # This software is provided "as-is".  There are no expressed or implied 
 11  # warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, the warranties 
 12  # of merchantability and fittness for a given application.  In no event 
 13  # shall Gary Strangman be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, 
 14  # special, exemplary or consequential damages (including, but not limited 
 15  # to, loss of use, data or profits, or business interruption) however 
 16  # caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict 
 17  # liability or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way 
 18  # out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of 
 19  # such damage. 
 20  # 
 21  # Comments and/or additions are welcome (send e-mail to: 
 22  # 
 23  #  
 24  import math 
 25  import numpy as N 
27 -def fprob (dfnum, dfden, F):
28 """ 29 Returns the (1-tailed) significance level (p-value) of an F 30 statistic given the degrees of freedom for the numerator (dfR-dfF) and 31 the degrees of freedom for the denominator (dfF). 32 33 Usage: lfprob(dfnum, dfden, F) where usually dfnum=dfbn, dfden=dfwn 34 """ 35 p = betai(0.5*dfden, 0.5*dfnum, dfden/float(dfden+dfnum*F)) 36 return p
37 38
39 -def betai(a,b,x):
40 """Returns the incomplete beta function:: 41 42 I-sub-x(a,b) = 1/B(a,b)*(Integral(0,x) of t^(a-1)(1-t)^(b-1) dt) 43 44 where a,b>0 and B(a,b) = G(a)*G(b)/(G(a+b)) where G(a) is the gamma 45 function of a. The continued fraction formulation is implemented here, 46 using the betacf function. (Adapted from: Numerical Recipies in C.) 47 48 Usage: lbetai(a,b,x) 49 """ 50 if (x<0.0 or x>1.0): 51 raise ValueError, 'Bad x in lbetai' 52 if (x==0.0 or x==1.0): 53 bt = 0.0 54 else: 55 bt = math.exp(gammln(a+b)-gammln(a)-gammln(b)+a*math.log(x)+b* 56 math.log(1.0-x)) 57 if (x<(a+1.0)/(a+b+2.0)): 58 return bt*betacf(a,b,x)/float(a) 59 else: 60 return 1.0-bt*betacf(b,a,1.0-x)/float(b)
61 62 63 64
65 -def betacf(a,b,x):
66 """ 67 This function evaluates the continued fraction form of the incomplete 68 Beta function, betai. (Adapted from: Numerical Recipies in C.) 69 70 Usage: lbetacf(a,b,x) 71 """ 72 ITMAX = 200 73 EPS = 3.0e-7 74 75 bm = az = am = 1.0 76 qab = a+b 77 qap = a+1.0 78 qam = a-1.0 79 bz = 1.0-qab*x/qap 80 for i in range(ITMAX+1): 81 em = float(i+1) 82 tem = em + em 83 d = em*(b-em)*x/((qam+tem)*(a+tem)) 84 ap = az + d*am 85 bp = bz+d*bm 86 d = -(a+em)*(qab+em)*x/((qap+tem)*(a+tem)) 87 app = ap+d*az 88 bpp = bp+d*bz 89 aold = az 90 am = ap/bpp 91 bm = bp/bpp 92 az = app/bpp 93 bz = 1.0 94 if (abs(az-aold)<(EPS*abs(az))): 95 return az 96 print 'a or b too big, or ITMAX too small in Betacf.'
97 98
99 -def gammln(xx):
100 """Returns the gamma function of xx. 101 Gamma(z) = Integral(0,infinity) of t^(z-1)exp(-t) dt. 102 (Adapted from: Numerical Recipies in C.) 103 @param xx: float 104 @rtype: float 105 """ 106 107 coeff = [76.18009173, -86.50532033, 24.01409822, -1.231739516, 108 0.120858003e-2, -0.536382e-5] 109 x = xx - 1.0 110 tmp = x + 5.5 111 tmp = tmp - (x+0.5)*math.log(tmp) 112 ser = 1.0 113 for j in range(len(coeff)): 114 x = x + 1 115 ser = ser + coeff[j]/x 116 return -tmp + math.log(2.50662827465*ser)
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119 -def agammln(xx):
120 """Returns the gamma function of xx. 121 C{Gamma(z) = Integral(0,infinity) of t^(z-1)exp(-t) dt}. 122 Adapted from: Numerical Recipies in C. Can handle multiple dims ... but 123 probably doesn't normally have to. 124 125 Usage: agammln(xx) 126 """ 127 coeff = [76.18009173, -86.50532033, 24.01409822, -1.231739516, 128 0.120858003e-2, -0.536382e-5] 129 x = xx - 1.0 130 tmp = x + 5.5 131 tmp = tmp - (x+0.5)*N.log(tmp) 132 ser = 1.0 133 for j in range(len(coeff)): 134 x = x + 1 135 ser = ser + coeff[j]/x 136 return -tmp + N.log(2.50662827465*ser)