Package gmisclib :: Module Numeric_gpk
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Source Code for Module gmisclib.Numeric_gpk

  2  import numpy 
  3  import math 
  4  pylab = None 
7 -def add_overlap(a, astart, b, bstart):
8 """Add arrays a and b in the overlap region. 9 Return (data, start). 10 If a, b are time series, they are assumed to have the 11 same sampling rate. 12 Astart and Bstart apply to the zeroth index. 13 All other indices are assumed to match start and length. 14 """ 15 start = max(astart, bstart) 16 end = min(astart+a.shape[0], bstart+b.shape[0]) 17 18 out = a[start-astart:end-astart] + b[start-bstart:end-bstart] 19 20 return (out, start)
21 22 23 24 25 # def asinh(x): 26 # sign = numpy.sign(x) 27 # return sign*numpy.log(sign*x + numpy.sqrt(x*x + 1)) 28 asinh = numpy.arcsinh 29 30 # def acosh(x): 31 # assert numpy.all(numpy.less_equal(x, 1)) 32 # return numpy.log(x - numpy.sqrt(x*x-1)) 33 acosh = numpy.arccosh 34 35
36 -def zero_pad_end(d, padfactor=1):
37 if padfactor == 0: 38 return numpy.array(d, copy=True) 39 elif padfactor<=0: 40 raise ValueError, 'pad factor <= 0' 41 assert len(d.shape) == 1 42 n = d.shape[0] 43 npad = int(round(n*padfactor)) 44 return numpy.concatenate( (d, numpy.zeros((npad,), numpy.double)) )
45 46
47 -def Poisson(nbar):
48 """Return a Poisson random integer, whose distribution has 49 a mean = nbar. 50 """ 51 import random 52 assert nbar >= 0.0 53 if nbar < 20.0: 54 L = math.exp(-nbar) 55 k = -1 56 p = 1.0 57 while p >= L: 58 k += 1 59 p *= random.random() 60 else: 61 lp = 0.0 62 lL = -nbar 63 k = 0 64 chunk = min( int(round (1 + nbar + 3*math.sqrt(nbar) )), 10000) 65 while lp >= lL: 66 ptmp = numpy.log(numpy.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0, chunk) ) 67 lpp = numpy.add.accumulate(ptmp) + lp 68 fsm = numpy.nonzero(numpy.less(lpp, lL))[0] 69 if fsm.shape[0] != 0: 70 k += fsm[0] 71 break 72 k += ptmp.shape[0] 73 lp = lpp[-1] 74 return k
75 76 77
78 -def _test_Poisson():
79 Nbar = 0.01 80 N = int(round(1000/Nbar)) 81 s = 0 82 for i in range(N): 83 s += Poisson(Nbar) 84 assert abs(s-N*Nbar) < 5*math.sqrt(N*Nbar) 85 86 87 Nbar = 25.0 88 N = 1000 89 s = 0 90 for i in range(N): 91 s += Poisson(Nbar) 92 assert abs(s-N*Nbar) < 5*math.sqrt(N*Nbar)
93 94 95
96 -def bevel_concat(a, b, bevel=0, bevel_overlap=1.0, delay=0, 97 ta=None, tb=None):
98 """Concatenate two time series. Bevel the edges, 99 and overlap them slightly. 100 101 Bevel_overlap controls the fractional overlap of the two bevels, 102 and delay specifies an extra delay for b. 103 104 If ta and/or tb are specified, return a tuple of 105 (concatenated_time_series, tma, tmb) where tma and tmb are the locations 106 corresponding to ta and tb in the corresponding input arrays. 107 """ 108 assert bevel >= 0 109 if bevel > 0: 110 bev = (0.5 + numpy.arange(bevel))/float(bevel) 111 else: 112 bev = 1 113 bc = numpy.array(b, copy=True) 114 bev = (0.5 + numpy.arange(bevel))/float(bevel) 115 ans = a.shape[0]-1 116 bns = bc.shape[0]-1 117 bos = a.shape[0] - int(round(bevel_overlap*bevel)) + delay 118 boe = bos + bc.shape[0] 119 o = numpy.zeros((boe,), numpy.double) 120 o[:a.shape[0]] = a 121 if bevel > 0: 122 numpy.multiply(o[:bevel], bev, o[:bevel]) 123 numpy.multiply(o[ans:ans-bevel:-1], bev, o[ans:ans-bevel:-1]) 124 numpy.multiply(bc[:bevel], bev, bc[:bevel]) 125 numpy.multiply(bc[bns:bns-bevel:-1], bev, bc[bns:bns-bevel:-1]) 126 numpy.add(o[bos:boe], bc, o[bos:boe]) 127 if ta is not None or tb is not None: 128 if tb is not None: 129 tb += bos 130 return (o, ta, tb) 131 else: 132 return o
133 134
135 -def argmax(a):
136 i = numpy.argmax(a, axis=None) 137 o = [] 138 for n in reversed(a.shape): 139 o.append( i % n ) 140 i = i//n 141 o.reverse() 142 return tuple(o)
143 144
145 -def _test_argmax():
146 x = numpy.array([1,2,3,4,3]) 147 assert argmax(x) == (3,) 148 x = numpy.array([[1,2,3,4,3], [0,1,0,1,0]]) 149 assert x[argmax(x)] == 4 150 x = numpy.array([[1,2,3,4,3], [0,1,0,5,0]]) 151 assert x[argmax(x)] == 5 152 x = numpy.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [0,1],[0,5],[0,7]]) 153 assert x[argmax(x)] == 7 154 x = numpy.zeros((5,4,3,3,1,2), numpy.double) 155 x[2,1,0,1,0,1] = 100.0 156 assert argmax(x) == (2,1,0,1,0,1) 157 x[0,0,0,0,0,0] = 200.0 158 assert argmax(x) == (0,0,0,0,0,0) 159 x[4,3,2,2,0,1] = 300.0 160 assert argmax(x) == (4,3,2,2,0,1) 161 x[4,3,2,2,0,0] = 400.0 162 assert argmax(x) == (4,3,2,2,0,0) 163 x[4,3,2,0,0,0] = 500.0 164 assert argmax(x) == (4,3,2,0,0,0)
165 166
167 -def N_maximum(a):
168 assert len(a.shape) == 1 169 return a[numpy.argmax(a)].item()
170 171
172 -def N_minimum(a):
173 assert len(a.shape) == 1 174 return a[numpy.argmin(a)].item()
175 176 177 178
179 -def N_frac_rank(a, fr):
180 assert 0 <= fr <= 1.0 181 tmp = numpy.sort(a) 182 n = tmp.shape[0] 183 assert n > 0, "Zero-sized array: cannot compute rank." 184 return tmp[int(round((n-1)*fr))].item()
185 186
187 -def N_mean_ad(a):
188 """Mean absolute deviation. For a multi-dimensional array, 189 it takes the MAD along the first axis, so 190 N_mean_ad(x)[0]==N_mean_ad(x[:,0]). 191 """ 192 ctr = numpy.median(a) 193 diff = numpy.subtract(a, ctr) 194 return numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(diff), axis=0)/(diff.shape[0]-1)
195 196
197 -def _test_N_mean_ad():
198 x = numpy.zeros((2,1), numpy.double) 199 x[0,0] = 1 200 x[1,0] = 0 201 assert numpy.allclose(N_mean_ad(x), [1.0]) 202 x = numpy.zeros((5,7), numpy.double) 203 x[0,0] = 1 204 y = N_mean_ad(x) 205 assert y.shape == (7,) 206 assert numpy.allclose(y, [(1.0-0.0)/4.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) 207 assert abs(N_mean_ad(x)[0]-N_mean_ad(x[:,0])) < 0.001
208 209
210 -def median_across(list_of_vec):
211 """Returns an element-by-element median of a list of Numeric vectors.""" 212 assert len(list_of_vec[0].shape) == 1 213 o = numpy.zeros(list_of_vec[0].shape, numpy.double) 214 tmp = numpy.zeros((len(list_of_vec),), numpy.double) 215 for t in list_of_vec: 216 assert t.shape == o.shape 217 for i in range(o.shape[0]): 218 for (j, v) in enumerate(list_of_vec): 219 tmp[j] = v[i] 220 o[i] = numpy.median(tmp) 221 return o
222 223 224 # Median along the first axis.
225 -def N_median(a, axis=0):
226 """Returns an element-by-element median of a list of Numeric vectors.""" 227 if len(a.shape) == 1: 228 return numpy.median(a) 229 assert len(a.shape) == 2 230 if axis == 1: 231 o = numpy.zeros((a.shape[0],), numpy.double) 232 for i in range(o.shape[0]): 233 o[i] = numpy.median(a[i]) 234 o = numpy.zeros((a.shape[1],), numpy.double) 235 a = numpy.array(a) 236 for i in range(o.shape[0]): 237 o[i] = numpy.median(a[:,i]) 238 return o
240 -def N_median_across(a):
241 return N_median(a, axis=0)
242 243 244 variance = numpy.var 245 stdev = numpy.std 246 make_diag = numpy.diag 247 248
249 -def set_diag(x, a):
250 """Set the diagonal of a matrix x to be the vector a. 251 If a is shorter than the diagonal of x, just set the beginning.""" 252 253 assert len(a.shape) == 1 254 assert len(x.shape) == 2 255 n = a.shape[0] 256 assert x.shape[0] >= n 257 assert x.shape[1] >= n 258 for i in range(n): 259 x[i,i] = a[i]
260 261 262 # Take the median along the first coordinate of a 2-D matrix, 263 # so if m.shape=(2,4) then the output will have shape (4,)
264 -def _test_N_median_across():
265 x = numpy.zeros((3,2), numpy.double) 266 x[0,0] = 1 267 x[1,0] = 2 268 x[2,0] = 3 269 y = N_median(x, axis=0) 270 # y = N_median_across(x) 271 print 'median_across=', y 272 assert numpy.allclose(y, [2.0, 0.0])
273 274
275 -def limit(low, x, high):
276 return numpy.clip(x, low, high)
277 278 279
280 -def trimmed_mean_sigma_across(list_of_vec, weights, clip):
281 import gpkavg 282 """Returns an element-by-element trimmed_mean of a list of Numeric vectors. 283 For instance, the first component of the output vector is the trimmed mean 284 of the first component of all of the input vectors. 285 """ 286 import gpkavg 287 assert len(list_of_vec[0].shape) == 1 288 om = numpy.zeros(list_of_vec[0].shape, numpy.double) 289 osig = numpy.zeros(list_of_vec[0].shape, numpy.double) 290 tmp = numpy.zeros((len(list_of_vec),), numpy.double) 291 for t in list_of_vec: 292 assert t.shape == om.shape 293 for i in range(om.shape[0]): 294 for (j, v) in enumerate(list_of_vec): 295 tmp[j] = v[i] 296 om[i], osig[i] = gpkavg.avg(tmp, weights, clip) 297 return (om, osig)
299 -def trimmed_mean_across(list_of_vec, weights, clip):
300 return trimmed_mean_sigma_across(list_of_vec, weights, clip)[0]
302 -def trimmed_stdev_across(list_of_vec, weights, clip):
303 return trimmed_mean_sigma_across(list_of_vec, weights, clip)[1]
304 305
306 -def vec_variance(x):
307 """Take a component-by-component variance of a list of vectors.""" 308 n = len(x) 309 if n < 2: 310 raise ValueError, "Cannot take variance unless len(x)>1" 311 x0 = x[0] 312 sh = x0.shape 313 s = numpy.zeros(sh, numpy.double) 314 ss = numpy.zeros(sh, numpy.double) 315 for xi in x: 316 assert xi.shape == sh 317 tmp = xi - x0 318 numpy.add(s, tmp, s) 319 numpy.add(ss, numpy.square(tmp), ss) 320 return numpy.maximum(ss-numpy.square(s)/n, 0.0)/(n-1)
321 322 323 324
325 -def qform(vec, mat):
326 """A quadratic form: vec*mat*vec, 327 or vecs*mat*transpose(vecs)""" 328 if len(vec.shape) != 1 or len(mat.shape) != 2: 329 raise ValueError, ': '.join(["Can't handle input", 330 "requires vector*matrix(vector)", 331 "shapes are %s and %s" % ( 332 vec.shape, mat.shape) 333 ]) 334 if mat.shape != (vec.shape[0], vec.shape[0]): 335 raise ValueError, ': '.join([ 336 "Matrix must be square and match the length of vector", 337 "shapes are %s and %s" % (vec.shape, mat.shape) 338 ]) 339 return,, vec))
340 341 342
343 -def KolmogorovSmirnov(d1, d2, w1=None, w2=None):
344 d1 = numpy.asarray(d1) 345 d2 = numpy.asarray(d2) 346 assert len(d1.shape) == 1, 'd1.shape=%s' % str(d1.shape) 347 assert len(d2.shape) == 1, 'd2.shape=%s' % str(d2.shape) 348 if w1 is None: 349 w1 = numpy.ones(d1.shape, numpy.double) 350 if w2 is None: 351 w2 = numpy.ones(d2.shape, numpy.double) 352 ws1 = numpy.sum(w1) 353 ws2 = numpy.sum(w2) 354 i1 = numpy.argsort(d1) 355 i2 = numpy.argsort(d2) 356 c1 = 0.0 357 c2 = 0.0 358 j1 = 0 359 j2 = 0 360 maxdiff = 0.0 361 while True: 362 if abs(c1-c2) > maxdiff: 363 maxdiff = abs(c1 - c2) 364 if j1 < i1.shape[0]-1 and j2<i2.shape[0]-1: 365 if d1[i1[j1]] < d2[i2[j2]]: 366 j1 += 1 367 c1 += w1[i1[j1]]/ws1 368 elif d1[i1[j1]] > d2[i2[j2]]: 369 j2 += 1 370 c2 += w2[i2[j2]]/ws2 371 else: 372 j1 += 1 373 c1 += w1[i1[j1]]/ws1 374 j2 += 1 375 c2 += w2[i2[j2]]/ws2 376 elif j1==i1.shape[0]-1 and j2==i2.shape[0]-1: 377 break 378 elif j1 < i1.shape[0]-1: 379 j1 += 1 380 c1 += w1[i1[j1]]/ws1 381 else: 382 j2 += 1 383 c2 += w2[i2[j2]]/ws2 384 return maxdiff
385 386
387 -def _testKS():
388 assert KolmogorovSmirnov([1, 2, 3.01, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3.01, 3, 4, 5]) < 0.001 389 assert abs( KolmogorovSmirnov([1, 2, 3.01, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) - 0.16667) < 0.001 390 print KolmogorovSmirnov([1, 2, 3.01, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
391 392 393 394
395 -def interpN(a, t):
396 """Interpolate array a to floating point indices, t, 397 via nearest-neighbor interpolation. 398 Returns a Numeric array. 399 """ 400 ii = numpy.around(t) 401 n = a.shape[0] 402 if not numpy.alltrue((ii>=0) * (ii<=n-1)): 403 raise IndexError, "Index out of range." 404 iii = ii.astype( 405 return numpy.take(a, iii, axis=0)
406 407 408
409 -def interp(a, t):
410 """Interpolate to a specified time axis. 411 This does a linear interpolation. 412 A is a Numpy array, and t is an array of times. 413 @return: interpolated values 414 @rtype: numpy array. 415 """ 416 n = a.shape[0] 417 nt = t.shape[0] 418 las = len(a.shape) 419 # print 'a=', a.shape, a 420 if las == 1: 421 # print 'a.shape=', a.shape 422 a = numpy.transpose([a]) 423 m = a.shape[1] 424 ii = numpy.around(t) 425 assert ii.shape == t.shape 426 427 # print 't=', t 428 # print 'n=', n, 'ii=', ii 429 if not numpy.alltrue((ii>=0) * (ii<=n-1)): 430 idxmin = numpy.argmin(t) 431 idxmax = numpy.argmax(t) 432 raise IndexError, "Index out of range: min=%g[index=%d,int=%d] max=%g[index=%d,int=%d] vs. %d" % (t[idxmin], idxmin, ii[idxmin], t[idxmax], idxmax, ii[idxmax], n) 433 434 nearestT = ii.astype( 435 assert nearestT.shape == t.shape 436 437 nearestA = numpy.take(a, nearestT, axis=0) 438 assert nearestA.shape == (nt,m) 439 deltaT = t - nearestT 440 assert deltaT.shape == nearestT.shape 441 isupport = numpy.where((deltaT>=0)*(nearestT<n-1)+(nearestT<=0), 1, -1) + nearestT 442 assert isupport.shape == (nearestA.shape[0],) 443 assert isupport.shape == nearestT.shape 444 assert isupport.shape == deltaT.shape 445 # print 'a=',a 446 # print 'isupport=', isupport 447 support = numpy.take(a, isupport, axis=0) 448 assert support.shape == (nt,m) 449 if len(a.shape) > 1: 450 assert nearestA.shape == (nt,m) 451 deltaA = (deltaT/(isupport-nearestT))[:,numpy.newaxis] * (support-nearestA) 452 assert deltaA.shape[1] == a.shape[1] 453 else: 454 deltaA = (deltaT/(isupport-nearestT)) * (support-nearestA) 455 assert deltaA.shape == nearestA.shape 456 rv = nearestA + deltaA 457 if las == 1: 458 return rv[:,0] 459 return rv
460 461
462 -def _test_interp1():
463 a = numpy.array([[1.0], [2.0]]) 464 # a = numpy.array([1.0, 2.0], numpy.double) 465 t = numpy.array([0.5]) 466 q = interp(a, t) 467 assert q.shape == (1,1) 468 assert numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(interp(a, t) - [1.5])) < 1e-3
469 470
471 -def split_into_clumps(x, threshold, minsize=1):
472 """This reports when the signal is above the threshold. 473 @param x: a signal 474 @type x: L{numpy.ndarray}, one-dimensional. 475 @param threshold: a threshold. 476 @type threshold: float 477 @returns: [(start, stop), ...] for each region ("clump") where C{x>threshold}. 478 """ 479 assert len(x.shape) == 1 480 gt = numpy.greater(x, threshold) 481 chg = gt[1:] - gt[:-1] 482 nz = numpy.nonzero(chg)[0] 483 rv = [] 484 if gt[0]: 485 last = 0 486 else: 487 last = None 488 for i in nz: 489 if last is None: 490 last = i+1 491 else: 492 if minsize > 0: 493 rv.append( (last, i+1) ) 494 last = None 495 if last is not None and gt.shape[0]>=last+minsize: 496 rv.append( (last, gt.shape[0]) ) 497 return rv
498 499
500 -def _test_split_into_clumps():
501 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([0,0,0,1,0,0]), 0.5) 502 assert tmp == [(3,4)] 503 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([1,0,0]), 0.5) 504 assert tmp == [(0,1)] 505 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([0,0,0,1]), 0.5) 506 assert tmp == [(3,4)] 507 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([1]), 0.5) 508 assert tmp == [(0,1)] 509 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([0]), 0.5) 510 assert tmp == [] 511 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([1]), 0.5, minsize=2) 512 assert tmp == [] 513 tmp = split_into_clumps(numpy.array([0,0,0,1,1,0]), 0.5, minsize=2) 514 assert tmp == [(3,5)]
515 516 517 BLOCK = 8192 518
519 -def block_stdev(x):
520 """This is just a alternative implementation of 521 the standard deviation of each channel, but it is designed 522 in a block-wise fashion so the total memory usage is 523 not large. 524 """ 525 m = (x.shape[0]+BLOCK-1)//BLOCK 526 avg = numpy.zeros((m, x.shape[1],)) 527 sum2 = numpy.zeros((x.shape[1],)) 528 nn = numpy.zeros((m,)) 529 i = 0 530 j = 0 531 while i < x.shape[0]: 532 n = min(BLOCK, x.shape[0]-i) 533 tmp = numpy.sum(x[i:i+BLOCK], axis=0)/n 534 avg[j,:] = tmp 535 numpy.add(sum2, numpy.sum(numpy.square(x[i:i+BLOCK]-tmp), axis=0), sum2) 536 nn[j] = n 537 i += BLOCK 538 j += 1 539 assert j == m 540 avgavg = numpy.sum(nn[:,numpy.newaxis]*avg, axis=0)/float(x.shape[0]) 541 for i in range(m): 542 numpy.add(sum2, nn[i]*numpy.square(avg[i,:]-avgavg), sum2) 543 return numpy.sqrt(sum2/float(x.shape[0]-1))
544 545 546 # def _test_block_stdev(): 547 # n = BLOCK//2 548 # while n < 4*BLOCK: 549 # x = numpy.zeros((n,2)) 550 # x[0,0] = 1.0 551 # x[0,1] = 2.0 552 # x[1,0] = -1.0 553 # avg2 = 2.0/float(n) 554 # a2 = math.sqrt(((2-avg2)**2+(n-1)*avg2**2)/float(n-1)) 555 # answer = [math.sqrt(2/float(n-1)), a2] 556 # calc = avg_dev(x) 557 # assert numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(numpy.log(calc/answer))) < 0.001 558 # n = (n*3)//2 + 17 559 560
561 -def convolve(x, kernel):
562 """This is basically like numpy.convolve(x, kernel, 1) except that it 563 properly handles the case where the kernel is longer than the data. 564 """ 565 assert len(kernel.shape) == 1 566 assert len(x.shape) == 1, "Have not tried multidimensional data yet." 567 if x.shape[0] > kernel.shape[0]: 568 return numpy.convolve(x, kernel, 1) 569 n = kernel.shape[0] - x.shape[0] + 1 570 z = numpy.zeros((n,)) 571 xx = numpy.concatenate((z, x, z), axis=0) 572 return numpy.convolve(xx, kernel, 1)[n:n+x.shape[0]]
573 574
575 -class EdgesTooWide(Exception):
576 - def __init__(self, *s):
577 Exception.__init__(self, *s)
578 579
580 -def edge_window(n, eleft, eright, typeleft="linear", typeright="linear", norm=None):
581 """Creates a window which is basically flat, but tapers off on the left and 582 right edges. The widths of the tapers can be controlled, as can the shapes. 583 @param n: the width of the window 584 @type n: C{int} 585 @param eleft: the width of the left taper (i.e. at zero index, in samples). 586 @type eleft: C{int} 587 @param eright: the width of the right taper (i.e. at index near C{n}, in samples). 588 @type eright: C{int} 589 @param typeleft: what kind of taper on the left? (Defaults to C{"linear"}). 590 @type typeleft: C{'linear'} or C{'cos'} 591 @param typeright: what kind of taper on the right? (Defaults to C{"linear"}). 592 @type typeright: C{'linear'} or C{'cos'} 593 @param norm: How to normalize? The default is L{None}, which means no normalization. 594 Providing a number C{x} will normalize the window so that the average of the 595 C{window**x}==1. 596 @type norm: L{None} or C{float != 0}. 597 """ 598 assert int(n) >= 0 599 if not (eleft <= n and eright <= n): 600 raise EdgesTooWide, "n=%d, eleft=%d eright=%d" % (n, eleft, eright) 601 o = numpy.ones((n,)) 602 if eleft > 0: 603 frac = (numpy.arange(eleft)+0.5)/eleft 604 if typeleft == "cos": 605 frac = (1.0 - numpy.cos(frac*math.pi))/2.0 606 o[:eleft] = frac 607 del frac 608 if eright > 0: 609 frac = ((eright-numpy.arange(eright))-0.5)/eright 610 if typeright == "cos": 611 frac = (1.0 - numpy.cos(frac*math.pi))/2.0 612 numpy.multiply(o[n-eright:], frac, o[n-eright:]) 613 if norm is not None: 614 numpy.divide(o, numpy.average(o**norm)**(1.0/norm), o) 615 return o
616 617 618
619 -def edge_window_t(t, eleft, eright, typeleft="linear", typeright="linear", norm=None):
620 """Computes a window which is basically flat, but tapers off on the left and 621 right edges. The widths of the tapers can be controlled, as can the shapes. 622 @param t: an array of time values. They are required to be monotonically increasing, 623 and assumed to be linearly spaced. 624 @type t: C{numpy.ndarray} 625 @param eleft: the width of the left taper (i.e. at zero index, in time units). 626 @type eleft: C{float} 627 @param eright: the width of the right taper (i.e. at index near C{n}, in time units). 628 @type eright: C{float} 629 @param typeleft: what kind of taper on the left? (Defaults to C{"linear"}). 630 @type typeleft: C{'linear'} or C{'cos'} 631 @param typeright: what kind of taper on the right? (Defaults to C{"linear"}). 632 @type typeright: C{'linear'} or C{'cos'} 633 @param norm: How to normalize? The default is L{None}, which means no normalization. 634 Providing a number C{x} will normalize the window so that the average of the 635 C{window**x}==1. 636 @type norm: L{None} or C{float != 0}. 637 """ 638 if not len(t)>1: 639 raise ValueError, "Time axis too short: len(t)=%d" % len(t) 640 t0 = float(t[0]) 641 te = float(t[-1]) 642 assert te > t0, "t=%s" % str(t) 643 w = te - t0 644 assert w > 0.0 645 if not ( eleft <= w and eright <= w): 646 return EdgesTooWide, "eleft=%s eright=%s w=%s" % (eleft, eright, w) 647 o = numpy.ones(t.shape) 648 if eleft > 0: 649 nedge = int(math.ceil((eleft/w)*t.shape[0])) 650 wedge = (nedge+1)*eleft/float(nedge) 651 tx = t0 - 0.5*wedge/(nedge+1) 652 if typeleft == 'cos': 653 f = (1.0 - numpy.cos((math.pi/wedge)*(t[:nedge]-tx)))/2.0 654 else: 655 f = (t[:nedge]-tx)/wedge 656 o[:nedge] = f 657 del f 658 if eright > 0: 659 nedge = int(math.ceil((eright/w)*t.shape[0])) 660 wedge = (nedge+1)*eright/float(nedge) 661 tx = te + 0.5*wedge/(nedge+1) 662 y = o.shape[0] - nedge 663 if typeright == 'cos': 664 f = (1.0 - numpy.cos((math.pi/wedge)*(tx-t[y:])))/2.0 665 else: 666 f = (tx-t[y:])/wedge 667 numpy.multiply(o[y:], f, o[y:]) 668 if norm is not None: 669 numpy.divide(o, numpy.average(o**norm)**(1.0/norm), o) 670 return o
671 672
673 -def _test_ew():
674 t = 1.0 + 0.1*numpy.arange(100) 675 for i in range(0,60,4): 676 e = 0.0 + 0.1*i 677 w = edge_window_t(t, e, 1.432*e, typeright="cos") 678 pylab.plot(t, w) 679
680 681 682 if __name__ == '__main__': 683 _test_split_into_clumps() 684 _test_argmax() 685 _test_interp1() 686 _test_Poisson() 687 _test_N_mean_ad() 688 _test_N_median_across() 689 # _test_block_stdev() 690 _test_split_into_clumps() 691 import pylab 692 _test_ew() 693